Monday, November 18, 2013

Sick Girl Child

Poor baby, she's a sick dude today. More on that in just a minute.

Since Lulu is AMAZING and agreed to watch Clara this morning and take her to the doctor so I didn't have to stay home from school last minute, Clara got to sleep in a teensy bit later than usual.

After Maverick learned he's not allowed to go upstairs to play with the baby in the morning until I'm showered and open the stair gate, he just sulks on his pet bed, looking mournful. It's a tough life, pup.

Once Clara was up and dressed, Bryan and I left for work while Lulu took over. 
(This is my first time to truly fix Clara's hair post-cut. Soooo cute.)

Someone has a verrrryyy amazing grandmother.
Once my classes were over I stopped by CVS to pick up Clara's prescriptions and then head home. The pedi told my Mom that Clara has an acute double ear infection and conjunctivitis (aka pink eye). Pink eye is, sadly, very contagious so we are now trapped at home together until all the gunk is cleared up. The pedi recommended we wait to go anywhere until Thursday (provided the gunk is gone). Pray for us. We aren't homebodies at all, even when I really wish I was.
let me out!! I'm trapped
(If you'd like to see a video clearer, click on the small gear at the bottom of the screen and select the highest - usually 720HD)
Before Lulu left, we took the two dogs and Clara for a walk. Or did they take us for a walk? I'm never certain. 

So helpful.

Uh oh

Then she pretty much ran home
But on the way home she fell and stubbed her big toe and it started bleeding. She really didn't care when it happened. She didn't care when I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, and she didn't mind rinsing it or antibacterial stuff. But the BANDAID IS A THREAT. 


It took her a while to calm down after the bandaid debacle, made worse by the fact that mom and I tried to put more eye drops in. Sigh. But after a 30minute cool down period in her crib, she was fine again and ready to play.

mmmm, gold fish makes everything better
While Clara and I played, the dogs were on high alert.
Los peros vigilantos.
Of course, I did manage to capture a few videos because let's face it- good pictures are hard to get when your child is going 80mph all the time, but video is easy :)


She makes me smile so much.

Video 2:

My favorite cutie pie:
Hiiii mama
A closer look at the eye gunk she's dealing with. Poor babe. But we'll try to get her healthy again ASAP!

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