Thursday, April 16, 2015

"Alice" in Wonderland, our high school play!

Most of you are already aware that this semester I directed Legacy's first ever theatrical performance. I formed a group called FOIL: Fellowship of Inspired Lions, picked a show ("Alice"), paid for the rights to use the show and video it, held auditions for cast and crew, and then we practiced every Monday and Wednesday morning from 7:45-8:30am. 

I used the one-act adaptation by Lindsay Price, available through Theatre Folk (

We fought several uphill battles regarding use of facilities, zero budget, being lower in priority than athletics, and having students out sick or tardy to rehearsals. HOWEVER, we pulled it together with the help of 2 other instrumental teachers (thank goodness for them!) and our students stepped it up and made the magic happen.

Thursday's dress rehearsal was interesting. After our first run through I was terrified that the play was going to be an absolute disaster. (I won't go into all of the reasons, haha). Thankfully the second time through went better and by the third time through I was sighing in relief. We could do this!!

Getting microphones and scenes set up.
Making sure the blocking was correct
My job - "voice" sound effects and helping with sound and lighting
Lining up for bowing practice purposes
After the tech rehearsal the day before, I learned that I needed to organize the transitions between scenes a little more. So I created these pages for each person involved. Lights people had all of their cues highlighted, cast members knew exactly which prop they were in charge of between scenes, they knew which microphone they were supposed to get and pass on (although a few students forgot about that part during the actual show), and reminders of costume changes, as well as a reminder of when they would come out to bow. It helped SO much the day of!! Our scene transition times were cut in half. I will do this before the day of next time!!

Cast pages laid out, ready to be picked up
An example
I was so bummed out at the thought of not seeing my girls all day, so my Mom and Bryan brought the girls up to school to hang with me during our last rehearsal so I could love on them a little bit before they went home. Thank you again Becky for watching them!!

 I had a really interesting afternoon before the play. A trip to Target went a little wonky and I ended up at Urgent Care getting a shot in my bum. Luckily my cast and crew and support staff helped me SO much and I didn't have to do more than I felt physically capable of. 

Girlies up at school to support their mama
Hair & Make-Up
Roses for sale (fundraiser for next year's play)
Tech crew!
Admissions crew!
Concessions crew!
Pre-show prayer circle
Full house!!
Not enough chairs, so spill over onto the bleachers!!
A Key, a King, and a March Hare
Fabulous chorus members, ready to be trees :)
Alice herself! ready to go on
Cheshire Cat(s)
Love the green and purple lights we were able to use

Here is a video version of the show. The Praise Band is not included, Mrs. May's speech and Mrs. Manning's prayer are not included, but my speech and the performance and Sarah's wrap-up speech afterwards are included. I was just given another copy of the show, and will try to learn how to work iMovie this weekend. We ended up having a few glitches with sound (which I'm sure you'll notice), and a few other glitches (which I won't tell you about because I doubt you'll notice :)
I hope you enjoy it!

The only cast shot I have on my computer right now
Was it perfect? No.
Was it fantastic? YES!

I am so proud of these kids. I love them dearly! 

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