Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Emma's not feeling so well :(

Today Emma woke up not quite herself, but didn't seem too bad either, so I went ahead and went to my MOPS Steering meeting at church. By the time we got home Emma was feeling pretty cranky, and by the time she ate lunch she was downright miserable. I put her down for nap and when she woke up she was still really unhappy :( I called and made a doctor's appointment, and until then I just did the best I could to keep her as happy and comfortable as possible.

We played with the kitchen for a while. Opening and closing the refrigerator and stove over and over and over again, and then putting things IN and taking them OUT again is fun stuff!

I'm sure I've mentioned how much she likes headgear
Newborn hat :)
 Video of Emma trying to solve the problem of putting the lid back on the pot while the other bowl is also blue. So confusing!!

Video of Emma pushing babydoll in the stroller around and around until she was all done.

One of the few things that kept her happier longer than others was going outside to sit on the trampoline while Mama pushed the trampoline with her arms or legs to make it bounce a little bit. Killer on the back, but good for baby's attitude!

 Once I had exhausted all of my ideas for keeping Emma happy, and she was getting tired, I decided to do what I rarely do: resort to TV. I put on Baby Einstein and let Emma sip her water and cuddle with me. It's a mark of how yucky she was feeling that she watched almost 45 minutes without moving much!
Intrigued, especially by the babies
The music is just so soothing
 All pootered out. Emma curled into Mommy and I turned off the TV and let her doze right here. Sometimes there's just no need to move a sleeping baby!!

Precious girl child of mine
When she woke up Maverick woke her up (AHHH) she was a slightly happier camper. We made with the slinky for a while.
Her hair wisps crack me up
 Then I took Emma to the doctor while Lulu picked up Clara from school (thank you again!)

We played with bubbles and the scooter. 
Mommy makes me wear this darn helmet.
Canine happiness - people I love in the great outdoors
 Bath time tonight required a snack halfway through for both kids (Emma's snack not pictured) because it overlapped with dinner time. Unfortunately Clara was just really dirty and Emma was running a fever, so we decided to just do bath time early. 

I only took the following picture because you can see the hair growing in and sticking straight up in some places :)

Hoping she feels better soon!

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