Friday, April 3, 2015

Children's Museum: Easter Style + Extras

Today and tomorrow The Woodland's Children's Museum is hosting their annual Easter festivities. We thought we were going to be so smart and get there right when it opened on Friday because it would surely be less crowded than on Saturday. If that IS true, then oh my gosh Saturday will be INSANE, because it was already out of control hectic this morning! Mercy!

On the way there, Clara "called" Lulu and had a full conversation! You sure were feeling chatty, Lulu! Didn't you know it? :)
"Yeahh, we gonna see da firetruck, Woowoo. How you?"
 The Easter bunny was there, much to Clara's delight.
Hugs for the Easter bunny
She looks unhappy, but really she just didn't know what was happening

Cashier concentration
They had a few fun games and crafts set up for the kids around the museum. Clara liked the egg sort: 


A pink balloon! oh boy!
 One of the crafts was making a bunny mask:

Then we died an egg. She was very focused.
Cruisin' sisters 
Playing with choochoo trains
Why not walk around and around and around a train table with a banana?
 Emma LOVED this light thing
Observing how big sister does it
Trying to imitate
 It's harder than it looks for those little hands!
Better taste it and see if that helps :)

And another one:

Riah and Clara always enjoy the kitchen:
Serving up some food
Washing some dishes and some fruit
 Emma was getting antsy so I put her down in the only relatively unoccupied area in the place, the little tunnel. She spent a long time peering into the various windows to see what was going on in the bigger area, haha. The view might just be a little different in a square window than a round one! Plus some of them had color tinting, oooo fancy.

I don't know if you can really see this or not, but this is Emma scampering down the tunnel once she got tired of the moving window show:

Checking out Clara's groceries
Clara was VERY sweet and let Emma help her push her basket. I'm proud of her. 

Sweet video:

Emma saying hi to Jonah
By this time the kids were getting cranky and the museum was getting even more crowded so it was time to leave. Emma took a nap and Mommy took a nap when we got home, but Daddy didn't get much of one, and Clara absolutely refused. 

Once we were all up, we enjoyed the nice weather we've been having:

Clara's getting pretty good with her scooter!
(I'm not sure why this video ended up being named "Scott Wrong" - autocorrect maybe? Who knows!?)

Once Clara got EXTREMELY cranky, we decided to bail on the great outdoors and come inside to watch Olaf for a teeny bit before bed. 

In that short time frame Emma fell face first onto the tile by our fireplace.
SO.MUCH.BLOOD. and so many tears :(

I quickly grabbed her favorite blanket and let her nurse to calm down, but unfortunately isn't ideal either because it was her little mouth that hurt, but it did eventually soothe her, the mommy cuddles more than anything.

She busted her lip in 3 places, and tore the lip tie (the piece of gum that extends from the upper lip into the area between her teeth).
Once she calmed down a little bit
I have a graphic picture of the gum tear for her doctor, but I'll spare you
Ice made it a little bit better too
 After all of the excitement both girls were ready for bed. Emma passed out in her crib right away, but Clara fell asleep on Mommy. Not napping makes it REALLY hard to get to the end of the day. Plus she's still just not feeling really well.

Didn't even stir when Daddy carried her upstairs
 I hope everyone had a great Friday!

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