Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Madness

Have you noticed that all my extended posts about weekends involve us being EXTRA busy? But I really do love it! Prepare yourself for a lengthy post today. They wouldn't be so long if I stayed on top of my game, but like I said, we've been really busy!

Our "weekend" (for blogging purposes) started Thursday, actually. I naturally checked out the house, and found out where the sidewalk ends :) And found the master bathroom shower looking much nicer now that it has a seat and a top to the wall.

Then I met Bryan at the Woodlands' Lanes for the Anadarko Junior Achievement Fundraiser (which involved a couple hundred Anadarko employees and a few spouses bowling together with a 50's theme). It was a lot of fun! Of course, no pizza & coke for the two of us :( But Bryan won a hat! And I won a laser pointing pen - which will come in handy when the puppy arrives :) And we won 2 free chic-fil-e sandwiches and a free Texas Road House appetizer! Pretty cool, eh? And Mom, Dad, Meemaw & Papaw were nice enough to donate to the Junior Achievement cause! Thank you guys!

Sorry for the blurry pictures. Using a flash didn't seem quite the thing when I didn't know too many people :)

Bryan went to work and I spent the day shopping with my Mom. Although we saw lots of cool stuff, the only thing to really note is I think I found the bar stools we're going to go with! They're like standard saddle stools, which I like, but they have room for "real" butts like mine :) Here's a picture of the shorter one. The ones we would get would be the taller size.

Bright & early the two of us drove to Tomball High School for the Destination Imagination competition. (Bryan had no reason to go, except that he's 100% sweet, and he was worried I'd lose my temper if any of Nitsch's admin showed up. Which they did, and I kept my temper b-e-a-utifully!) Here are some fun photos of the kiddos at the competition:

Saturday afternoon was spent doing even more refrigerator shopping (we've been doing a lot of this, plus checking out online reviews, etc). And then Saturday evening my parents went by our house and then drove with us out to Rosenburg to meet my grandparents for some Texas Roadhouse - yum! (And yes, we skipped the rolls, haha.) It was really nice to be able to have dinner with them.

We bought a refrigerator! We did other fun stuff too - like spend most of the afternoon enjoying the gorgeous weather on MeMaw and Paw's porch :) But that was the expensive thing we did. We took advantage of the Lowe's "tax refund" deal, where they give you 10% of what you load onto a gift card. We took advantage of it since we needed to make such a large purchase. It'll be delivered to our home when we move in!

Then we drove by the house (honestly not expecting to see anything at all done, since they hadn't done anything on Friday or Saturday, grrr), but they installed our kitchen counter tops! And they look wonderful! The pictures do not do them justice. We are very happy with the way everything is turning out.

If you managed to make it all the way through this blog post, you deserve a pat on the back! Or a sugar free mint patty, yummm.

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