Friday, May 13, 2011

*Breaking Kennel News*

You may not find this as exciting or impressive as Bryan and I do, but ....

Maverick is now WALKING into his kennel when it's time for us to leave or for him to go to bed. This has now happened FOUR times. This is a miracle. Granted, we still have to get him to the laundry room, but he's no longer fighting us once we get there.

As his size keeps increasing (up to 12.7lbs!!) when he fights me about the kennel, it was getting harder and harder for me to hold him in there and close the door without ending up in a frustrating game of chase or further stressing my back/neck :( I was feeling really desperate the other day and was talking to Bryan about what should we do if it got the point where I couldn't get him in there by myself anymore ... and the very next day? Viola! I think God heard our very sincere pleas for help.

I should clarify that Maverick does not *like* his kennel still, but has accepted that when we're gone he must be contained, and is at least willing to stop fighting us. It was truly a rapid 180 change - one night he was fighting for freedom, and the next he meekly (and sadly) walked into the crate as Bryan was putting him up for the night.

I believe this calls for a loud and sincere HALLELUJAH! :)

We don't have any photographical evidence of this miracle, but I think I'm incapable of writing a post about our lovable puppy without a picture, so here's one of Maverick curled up in an A&M blanket after a long day in the sun and a bath:

It is, after all, very hard work to be a puppy.

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