Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday R & R?

R & R around here is not a likely reality ... especially not with a new house, puppy, and events happening every weekend!

In fact, we were very much looking forward to a Crawfish Boil today with our friend, Stephanie, but between fishing & the stuff that really needed to get done, it didn't happen.

This morning started off with shoving all of our living room furniture into the middle of the room or hallway, then running errands to get the paint and supplies we needed to paint the den. Mom joined us around 9am, we had some Chic-fil-a breakfast (yum!), and then started taping around baseboards, windows, etc. Bryan cut in by the ceiling, I cut in around the baseboards & windows, and Mom did the rolling. I actually had to leave around 11 for an appointment, but Bryan & Mom keep working like champs until ... doh!, we ran out of paint :( This wouldn't have been a big deal, except Pittsburg Paints closes at noon on Saturday and doesn't reopen until Monday morning, which means we're not going to be able to finish until then. Oh well. It will get finished soon!

The appointment I had was with a massage therapist. A few years ago I was in a bad car accident, and experienced some pretty severe whiplash. Every once and a while something else happens and "re-injures" the same muscles that were damaged in the accident. A year and half ago I had surgery, and they torqued my neck a bit during the operation which started the process all over again, and since then it takes almost nothing to set it off again. Between moving, painting, yard work, installing a sprinkler system, jet-skiing ... who knows what's done it again, but it's been exceptionally horrible lately ... enough to cause migraines, which just make everything worse. The last straw was last night's swing-falling adventure (read previous post about Port O'Connor). I was in so much pain on the boat that Mom & Bryan insisted I do something about it and booked me the appointment today. It DID help, and the therapist told me I should really get into a chiropractor. She said something about my head not sitting on my spine properly ... who knows. I do know that it hurts horribly, so I can't really lose anything by trying!

Once I returned, Mom, Bryan & I split a pizza, and Bryan and I decided to get some yard work done. I worked so hard to make our yard look pretty and then we temporarily destroyed it when we installed the sprinkler system, and the flower beds looked particularly awful. It was really bothering me so I talked Bryan into some Flower Bed TLC :)

After a trip to Lowes (we should buy some stock with as much money as we spend there!), we came back with a car full of stuff! (Including a water softener, the salt to go with it, a lamp, small items like a timer, bulbs, & spade, as well as 14 plants, 2 bags of top soil, 1 bag of miracle grow potting soil, and 45 stones. My car was groaning as we drove it all home!

Now enjoy the before and after pictures!!!!

Before (sorry about my shadow in the picture):

After 3 hours of TLC:

Notice a change? I hope so! Not looking too bad for our first try at this stuff!! And I was pretty spot on with my estimate of 45 stones ... we needed 42 :) We'll get some more mulch & a few more flowers to finish off the flower beds by the entry way as well as around the trees. That's a project that will wait for another day :) We're pooped!

Maverick, of course, is always in on the fun and games making himself into a very lovable nuisance :)

Had to make sure to include the puppy! Of course after all of his craziness, he did enjoy a nice bath courtesy of yours truly :)

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