Tuesday, May 31, 2011

San Francisco Day 1: Dad's Birthday

Back in time we go! First, on Dad’s birthday (May 25th) Bryan & I left Maverick with trusted neighbors and we flew into San Francisco on Anadarko’s company plane, which is always a treat. Since it was Dad’s birthday, there was cake & ice cream aboard! We also managed to fit in several games of Spades.

We checked into the hotel, dropped off our luggage and headed down to Fisherman’s Wharf. We checked out the scenery – saw Alcatraz from afar, walked around, etc.

Then we caught Ride the Ducks – a unique land and water vehicle that took us all over downtown San Francisco and then into the bay, too! We all loved it. “Duck Roberts” as our guide called himself, was absolutely hilarious. He made everyone laugh, and played some pretty clever tunes. We were a little worried it would be too weird or too childish, but I think all 9 of us thought it was a hit! Plus while on the bay we took turns driving it around. Pretty cool.

After we got off, Mom had planned a dinner surprise for Dad – dinner at Forbes Island. We had to take a little boat to get the restaurant, and our dining room was actually *in* the bay – as in we could see underwater through the port hole windows. It was good!

This was a terrific first day of our vacation. Plenty left to come! (By the way, between all of us there are a bazillion pictures taken, so I had to pick and choose carefully. I’m making an album where I can include more. There were so many good ones!)

1 comment:

  1. I started at Day 4 and have traveled back to Day 1! This was so special to be with your Dad on his birthday and all of his family there to celebrate, even the mother in law!!! I do love flying in the company plane..However, I did miss the 'frisking at the reg. airport'!!!HA! Could not have dreamed of having such a lovely time, but a dream became a reality! Thank you for your part in the planning!!!! Loved every moment!!!! gma
