Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 1st Playgroup

 Like every Monday, I'm a super lucky lady and get to hang out with this fabulous crew!

I'm so glad you were able to make it, Amber! We missed Alexa though. We missed Natalie and Devon too - next time!

Decided to shake things up, we met at Denny's for lunch first.

The always adorable Landon

Clara trying to figure out how to help her sad friend
It's all better now!
I want some grilled cheese, yo!
Clara's picking up the tab :)

Following lunch, we headed back to the house to get some playtime in. I have to say I was really impressed with our kiddos this week! There was minimal fussing and maximum playing.

The ball pit is so much fun :)

Henry, Clara & Emily
Emily loooooves the ball pits
it's so yummmmy

Making music is so fun for babies. Mommies, ummm, enjoy hearing it too :)

Shake, bang, shake!

Sharing could be an interesting concept to teach.

Friend you are so tasty
cutie pies
Sharing is caring!

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