Thursday, April 25, 2013

Saint Lucia: Day 2

It was another busy today!

Thankfully we all slept really well - Clara included! We woke up, breakfasted (you should see CB devour a yogurt, banana and some cheerios - where does it all go??) and then attended the resort's "orientation" which basically means they tell us when things open and where they are and how to book excursions around the island, etc. 


Papa & Papaw

Hello, friend! You came on vacation too!!?
After that wee missy took a nap, and then we met up for lunch. Bryan and I had to walk through a pretty good downpour to get there - thankfully we took a stroller for the tiny one so she didn't get wet. 


Ready to say bye bye for a little while
After lunch Dad, Grady, Bryan & I went to go snuba!! Snuba is a mixture of snorkling and scuba diving. You don't have your own tank, instead you're connected to tubes on a raft to a group tank. We were all tethered together and each of us had 20 feet we could go away from the raft. One of the amazing things about water activities in my opinion is that they don't hurt my joints at all! And we didn't go more than about 15 feet deep so there wasn't the air pressure problems you can run into when you scuba dive.

Our guide's name was "Starfish." Starfish and Blue Marlin hooked us up with our gear and then we got started. Other than some mild panic the first 5 minutes or so while I learned how to breathe using the equipment, it was neat! Unfortunately, Dad ended up swallowing a ton of seawater and had to head back early. Thankfully he felt better quickly.

Grady set up his crazy cool camera
The raft
Dad and Bryan
Me'n'Bryan :)
Dad and Starfish, the guide
Grady holding a sea urchin!!
Bryan and I
Grady communicating "I'm okay" to me
Bryan playing in the water
Fish and floura
Discussing the experience and re-hydrating!
Once we returned we showered and watched the video Grady took with his fancy-pancy video/camera that can go underwater and do all sorts of cool things. From the video I took a couple of snap shots which are the pictures above.

In case you were wondering where little missy was while we were off exploring the ocean, she was hanging out with my mom, Meemaw and Auntie M. It sounds like they had a ball walking in the rain, reading books and wrestling with pillows :) Thank you guys for watching her!!

LuLu, Clara & Uncle G
Watching the video of our dive
Some dinner (and very hard breadsticks) later, it was time to put the wee one to bed. She is out cold right now, and Bryan and I are lounging on our patio enjoying the evening for just a bit longer. 

Meemaw and Papaw
Tomorrow is a big day full of activities, so I need to get some rest. Goodnight!

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