Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mall Playdate

Today we met up with Marissa, Molly, BreAnna, Ruth, and 2 new friends: Emily and Owen at Memorial City Mall for a little shopping and lots of playing. And mayyyybe a little frozen yogurt thrown in the mix too :)

First stop was Target for a small pack of diapers and a stroller.
I tried to exchange my toddler for them, but no deal. It's probably for the best. I've grown quite fond of my chica :)

I'd rather hold on to the wheels and you pull me than sit in it, Mom.
Ummmm, no. Climb in, girl! It's a DUCKA stroller after all!

silly girl
I hope Clara and Ruth's toddler-ness didn't scare Marissa and Emily too badly :)
Weren't we quite the crew?

Clara-girl & Molly-pop
Target shopping for a sleeper, jello, and a doll. Quite the combo, yes?

Then, what the toddlers were looking forward to the most: PLAYTIME!
We took off their shoes and off they went.
What's interesting is that Ruth is willing to go all over the place and not worry about making sure her Mom is watching. Clara was super happy to explore and run around, but she is more of a "check with home base (aka Mom)" and then go some more. I'm not sure if it's the age difference, or a personality difference, but they both had a ton of fun.

"Hi Mom!"


She clapped for herself every time she managed to walk across the entire bridge without falling down. It was so stinkin' cute.

Ruth and Clara blocking traffic on the pathway:

Both girls in the toddler area:

Clara clapping for herself some more because she LOVED.THIS.RAMP.
I'm telling you she ran up it and down again over and over and over, I have no idea how many times. 30? more? I don't know, but she wore her precious little self out and had a blast.

Clapping for herself. Love her self-esteem :)

Whoa, Mommy, check this red thing out!! I can see you!

goof ball
Well, hello Ruth! Fancy seeing you here.

Toddler interactions are amazing.
One last short video of a very happy girl:

Big grin :)

Phew, all tuckered out, we met up with the Mommas of the littler ones.

And splurged on some yummy frozen yogurt.
Oh, those emo bangs. If only she'd keep a bow in!

Mmm mm mmm
This hasn't happened in over 5 months. Baby asleep in the car.

Playing with friends and shopping is HARD work!!

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