Saturday, April 12, 2014

When Daddy's Away...

Mommy is very grateful that Lulu can come stay!

Papa was turkey hunting, Bryan went to an Off-Site for work, so the Northwest Meloy/Evans girls hung out together Friday and Saturday.

Clara showed off her big sister skills.

AND her dancing skills!
Love this video:

But because Clara was acting much more lethargic than usual, spiked a 102*F, and kept grabbing her back and crying, I called to make an after hours doctor's appointment to make sure nothing serious was wrong. The first appointment they had available was 7pm, so Clara was very tired, poor thing.


She weighs 26lbs and is 32" inches tall - and primed and ready for a growth spurt! (Which the sheer quantity of food she's been eating lately could have told us!)

Sadly, the appointment involved a catheter to get a urine sample and a finger prick to collect blood. It was pretty awful.


And bandaids pretty much equal extreme and unusual torture for Clara so it didn't last very long.

Clara was VERY pleased when we said it was time to go "bye bye."

Lulu stayed the night and took care of Clara while Mommy spent the night feeding and changing Emma's diaper every 1.5-2 hours. Phewy. Pretty tired!

Girls loving on each other and their Lulu
Convincing Clara to wear a shirt can sometimes be a battle:

After Emma spit up all over herself, it was time for her first bath at home.
Clara was INCREDIBLY excited about the Blooming Bath - "Oooooh! Flower!" and was NOT happy about us putting it in the sink for Emma's bath.

Sweet girl didn't once cry!!

Going in a frame :)
But Clara made up for Emma's lack of tears
And as you can see by the picture Clara never once let go of the "flower" the entire time.

Squeaky clean, bundled and cuddled
MeMaw gave Emma this sweet towel - extra adorable!

Eating, pooping and getting clean is exhausting.

Clara practiced her baby-wearing skills for the first time with Lulu while I (gratefully) took a nap. I found this little toddler Boba that looks like my Boba for Emma. First they tried it out with Giraffe.

And then they tried it with Clara's Baby.
So sweet!!

Once everyone was up from their naps and fed, we went to DSW because I have zero flip flops/ sandals that have both a left and a right, and no huge puppy-bite-sized chunks ripped out. 
Clara LOVED "choos", so this was a pretty sweet errand to run for her :)
"Me choos Mommy?"
What a goober.

After a very scary incident involving a stroller, newborn and toddler, Clara goofed around some more.


And then we walked down the strip center a few stores to do the free Saturday craft hosted by Lakeshore Learning.

Such a good crafter!
Lulu took Clara to the park and Bryan and I took Emma to HEB to get a few items. We asked Clara to help us unload the groceries and this was her initial contribution :)
I guess it truly is soft!!! :)
Gosh I love her, and her smile, and her curly little hair.

We found a bag that Clara could lift and off she went. I love that she's growing up to be such a helper!

"Nana 'ack pease!!" = Banana snack please!
Daddy's home and loving on his girls.

Clara's diapering of Giraffe. 
The puppies relieved the girls have gone to bed. Ah, peace, haha.

Emma's expression of choice :)

She's so sweet and snuggly and love her goofy expressions!
PLUS: Bonus! Emma Lou's first piece of mail came today - her social security card! It's official, even our government recognizes her! 

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