Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Emma's Baptism!

Sunday was our last day with Uncle G, Auntie M and Molly :( It was also time for Meemaw and Papaw to come home - but how wonderful to have so much family all together over the weekend!!

Sunday morning was Emma's baptism! Grady and Marissa are Emma's Godparents as well so we wanted to make sure this special event could happen when they could be in town.

Ready to go!
 Emma actually cried all the way to church, when she rarely fusses. Then Clara swallowed an entire bottle of gas drops on the way to church, which we're not sure how it happened. We had to call poison control during the ceremony to figure out what to do. Aye yi yi.

Still, everyone survived and Emma was able to be (calmly) baptized! 


 Godparents Grady & Marissa, and Bryan, Clara & I were up there with Emma.

Molly wondered why she wasn't and tried to join us. Thankfully Lulu was able to catch up with her and get her safely back to the pew :) 

Pastor Jerry with Emma

Papa admiring Emma - or is it the other way around? :)
 After the service:

So silly!
home we go!
 Time for lunch at our house!

I'm glad I got one with my girl :)
 Molly was hitting the punch pretty hard.
I'm thinking some milk rehab is in order Auntie M. 

Uncle Dewayne and Miss Molly 

So cute, Aunt Tricia!
Snuggling with MeMaw Evans
Checking up on Papa and Emma
 Entertaining is hard work, huh, Clara?

 But it comes with cookies so it's all good.

I LOVE how much she loves her sister.
Our evening headed south pretty fast though. 
Ring pop, diaper, church shoes of course.
 Some battles aren't worth fighting.

Bye Clara? What a nut. A funny nut.
Phew. What a weekend! LOVED seeing you guys!!
Looking forward to their next visit already!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Molly's milk rehab has been going pretty smoothly. Thankfully we caught her punch addiction early.
    2. Clara is hilarious.
    3. Miss y'all already!
