Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April Happenings so far

I feel like I haven't been able to post all of the fun pictures and happenings from around here lately! This will be a random conglomeration of April-Shenanigans so far.

Clara taking a selfie :)
 Reading to her baby sister.


Silly grins
 Love these girls! (And that Daddy :)

 Looks like she's about to pray herself into a nap

Emma Lou has the hiccups:

A Happy Gram from Clara's first week in the Toddler 2 class! 

Poor baby girl got her first busted lip :( Ouch!
Thank goodness for ice and lots of hugs.

Clara LOVES coming home and seeing Emma.
In this particular case, Clara was ready to play outside and got some of her socks out for Emma to put on so they could go "pay balls ousside" (notice the sock on Emma's head) 

Disappointed that Mommy said no to outside because it was raining, she then tried to get Emma out of her carseat to put her in her baby doll highchair. Mommy was quick to intervene and suggest she put Baby in there instead.

Here's a video of Clara feeding Baby. It cracks me up that she does all of the "mmmm"s and "oh, yummy!" and "take a bite" like we do when we're trying to get her to eat something. Observent kiddo! 

Then Clara moved on to giving mommy foot rubs, yay!


She's actually pretty good at it!

And then Clara got to eat some yogurt ALL BY HERSELF! No parents holding the yogurt or spoon. She was in Independence-Heaven! 

Disappointed in her inability to change Baby's diaper on the *real* changing pad, Daddy tried to assist her by bringing it in the living room. Then she just got confused.

Changing Baby's diaper:

Had to include this one because I adore the goofy expression she's making for Daddy:

so expressive!
 Emma and Daddy snuggles:

Clara playing hide'n'seek: 


Just reading a story. Quack, quack, one two THREE!

I have several fun videos from recent times, so I'm just going to include them all here. If you need a laugh and have some time, they really are cute :)


Videos with Sissy:

Toddler Date with Zachariah:

Taking care of Sissy:

Playdate with Alexa:

Watching Ronnie and his friend play:

1 comment:

  1. All so adorable!! But I think my favorite is Clara trying to put socks on Emma so they can go outside :)
