Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hodgepodge Review

It's been so busy around here! And exhausting.

To catch you up I'll do a cliff notes version of several days all rolled into one post (sorry it won't be in order).

Some sisterly bonding :)

Goofing off on Friday after we picked up Clara from school.

I just love the many facial expressions of Clara!!!



Reading to Mommy:

Reading with Daddy (sorry about the weird camera stuff that happens, I was multi tasking):

Clara ensured Emma was read to as well :)

 Just a couple of adorable pictures of Emma from the past few days :)

hehehe, love those cheeks!
 Sweet snoozes and big blue eyes

Emma is starting to really discover her tongue and lips:

Trying the bumbo for the first time!

Clara tried to make Emma feel better about sitting in there with some mixed results. Emma enjoys watching Clara, so that helped, but did not enjoy the bumbo, so when Clara got distracted and wandered off, the entertainment factor was lost and Emma remembered where she was. Doh.

Can you guess which child enjoyed the Bumbo more?

Friday night our church put on a date night. It was completely free - dinner, games and childcare. Can't beat that!! Our associate pastors and some of the church staff even volunteered their time to be waiters/waitresses. Talk about serving your parishioners!  Goodness!

Before we left, Clara thought she'd get all dolled up for the date night .... and found my lipstick. And got it all over my shirt. Thankfully I did have another outfit I could change into! Silly girl! What a mess!

It was a lot of fun. We dropped off the munchkins at the nursery, which Clara was not at all pleased about at first, but then she ended up making a 14 year old BFF (I really need to get her number so she can babysit!!) and having a ball! She also did much better once they served them dinner :) I'm told she kept eyeing the kid's plate next to her - they decided to give her another couple of chicken fingers so she wouldn't steal, haha.

Emma on the other hand was a grouch the entire time. They finally had to remove her from the nursery, swaddle her, pace with her, and put her in the swing in the hallway to get her to calm down and stop making all the other babies cry :( I guess colic isn't a home specific thing. I felt really bad, but look! she's snoozing! (in the hallway).

After the 2 year doctor visit last Tuesday we went to the Methodist Church playground with Lulu, Michelle, Riah & Jonah: 

And Emma and Jonah had a long drawn out conversation. It was HILARIOUS! I didn't think to try to get a video until they were kind of slowing down:

Clara discovers she likes veggie spring rolls that night! who would've thought!?

Today (Sunday) we went to the Children's Museum and dinner with our friends the Bunnis family.

Before hand Clara drew me the first picture she's ever drawn where it was "something" specific!!

"Yuk, Mommy, is da sunshine an' sky!" 
Can I confess I was blown away and super proud without sounding mushy? :)
Clara's first *intentional* masterpiece
 Her face cracks me up here! post-no-nap and on the way to the Children's Museum!

Once there, there was lots of playing to be done! Such as the kitchen/house:

She's "ringing up" a little girl's purchase of lettuce... this seriously made me laugh. She was on her tippie toes just banging away on all of the number keys, going "here do! here do!"

Bryan is apparently another child patron :)

 Fun playing in the sand:

Clara was a firefighter! 

Checking out the fish:

Daddy did too :) 

The two daddies coloring with their offspring:

We had dinner the Republic Grille after, which is quickly becoming one of our favorites. Sweet potato cakes, yummmm.

A pool playdate and dinner at my parent's house on Saturday!

Clara loves wearing this football jersey - it cracks me up! And, of course, Babydoll is along for the ride.

 "Woo woo? I home!" heheh and Maverick and Clara waiting (im)patiently to go swimming :)

 Clara loving the little float and Emma splashing away:

 Riah got in the float with Clara briefly... but he wasn't a huge fan.

Clara doing this very strange hop and splat thing which looked very painful. We finally talked her into a different activity.


The two "Em"s together and the two muchkins:

And Lulu with Miss Emma! 

And lastly, a video of Clara putting Daddy to "night night". She had been doing this to me for over half an hour when Emma got hungry. Clara was so sad to loose her "baby" (AKA Mommy) so Daddy was volunteered in my stead :)

Sorry for the random nature of the update and the hodge podge timeline, but I'm pooped out and ready to go to bed, so it's just going to have to stay this way for now :) Goodnight!

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