Saturday, June 6, 2015

Clara's 1st swim lesson + splash pad

I mentioned in my previous post that Clara had nightmares again on Thursday night, so we were really starting to run low on sleep, energy and morale. 

I took a bunch of Vitamin D and prayed that God would give me the energy to make it through the day. And I suppose God felt like he gave me a ton because immediately after I caught Clara smearing an essential oil all over her face and in Emma's hair! AH!!! So Clara got it all in her eyes! yikes! So I stuck in her the shower to get it out of her eyes, and in her panic and pain she pooped all over the place. (Thankfully it was in the shower?) And I bathed Emma as well. Oh my gosh.

Then the girls played while I made them breakfast:
Emma eats her waffle on the go
Riding the patient puppy with undies inside out
Where's Emma!?
Playing peekaboo with blankie
Then I dropped off Emma at Lulu and Papa's house because she was going to need a nap (I've since managed to get Clara in an earlier class so that won't be an issue again I hope).

Clara was SUPER excited about her first swim lesson! 

They have to go potty before they can get into the pool if they are potty trained. Clara gave me a little attitude about this rule. 

She told me she couldn't go until she had her privacy, so I stepped out and started to hear clanging, and immediately opened the door again to find this: 
Miss Independent! 
 She was the only two year old in a class of 4 and 5 year olds, but that's the class she tested into, so she didn't mind.

Showering off after class 
The video medley of her swim lessons:

I never managed to get a picture of Clara doing this, but after most of the activities she'd turn around to face me from where she knew I was behind the window and flash me her "gig 'em" sign :) (Cue heart melting.) So I asked her to do it for me once she was all done:

Because she had such an awesome lesson, they even gave her a lollipop! 

Meanwhile, Emma was playing with Lulu and taking a snooze with Papa:
 Then it was time for lunch and a trip to Hobby Lobby:
too cool for school
 I swear she rearranged the entire store. I put back what I could. In this particular instance Emma was worried that there was a random place on the self with no box, so she took it upon herself to find random fabric, yarn, etc to fill in the hole. 

The video is HILARIOUS:

Then, when I put her down for 5 seconds to unload the cart SHE RAN OUT THE FRONT DOOR! Darn you sliding doors! I caught her, stuck her in the cart, and she pretended to pay while the nice cashier rang me up. Crazy kid.

While we were at Hobby Lobby, Clara was at school, and her teacher sent me this picture of her working hard on her shapes collage: 

Then I picked up Clara early and took Clara and Emma to the Timmeron Splash Pad! Michelle, Riah and Jonah met us there too. I don't have any pictures from them playing in the water because it was just me and two kids, but you've seen them there before. 

After they were done splashing, we went to the park to play for a little while too. 

Baby in a bucket swing
Push me high like super man!!!
Baby buddies
Sweet sisters swinging 

A little nature experience for the kids: 2 squirrels climbing in the trees and scampering around the ground!!! Clara was memorized.

 When it was time to go I explained to Clara that she could choose one more thing to do, and then we'd be through. Miracle of miracles she climbed up the ladder with Riah and went down the slide, and then climbed into the stroller WITHOUT A TANTRUM. Thank you, Lord.

When we got home Clara found one of her birthday presents. She wasn't meant to get it yet, but since it's one of her favorite things on the planet there was no way I could delay her without her being a puddle of tears for days, so I figured why the fight the joy of a gift well chosen?

And then of course we had to put on Frozen until Daddy got home from work and we had dinner. 

A busy but good day! 
And guess what!? NO NIGHTMARES Friday night!!!!! phew! 

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