Sunday, June 21, 2015

Saturday Fun

Saturday mornings almost always start with the girls playing upstairs and a movie on. It's as close to being lazy as Bryan and I can get with 2 needy little ones :)

At first I wasn't sure what Clara was doing, and then I realized that she was having each animal take turns to use the "potty" (where her hands are below). It was hilarious. And she'd start singing the Daniel Tiger potty song, "When you have to go potty, stop! and go right away, flush, and wash, and be on your way!"

Then while I was doing some laundry and Emma was taking a much needed morning nap, I caught Clara riding Maverick. He was actually really patient with her. Sorry, buddy!

Then it was time to go to Emily's 4th Birthday Party at Pump it Up! (Side note: this is such a perfect place to do a party for kids.) Clara had tons of fun sliding, jumping and going through the maze.

First go:

Clara sliding with Piper over and over and over 
Having so much fun!
 Emma mostly just wandered around aimlessly and waved to everyone. And got regular sips of water.

She did do a little bouncing but it didn't last very long.

And then she found a ball! oh boy!
 I did the maze with Clara several times at her request, and my abs are feeling it today! ha!

the maze - most of which involves crawling or climbing of some kind
 Then they served pizza, and Emma was super happy about that. Girlfriend loves pizza.

Happy birthday to you, sweet Emily!
Oh boy! Elsa cake! 
Our girls were absolutely pooped by the end of the party! Bouncing and playing is HARD work!

We headed home and all of the ladies of the house (yes, me included, hooray!) took naps. 
A crazy random and violent storm came by during our nap and cut the electricity. We didn't get our electricity back for over 8.5 hours. Crazy.

So, anyway, we were getting stir crazy, it was nasty and humid outside and no electricity inside and we decided to go to the mall playground!

Safety in tunnels
Climbing and a sliding
My two girlies
Wild child

Yep. That is Clara laying under the tree with her undies showing.
Clara giving Emma hugs under the tree <3 td="">
Pretending to drive an airplane
One real ride after play time! 
We grabbed some dinner at the food court, where Emma ate an ENTIRE Sonic cheeseburger, and Clara "made her own sandwich" with two french fries and a chicken nugget from CFA to match Emma :)

Waving bye bye to Dad & Clara riding the carousel:

Funny moment: Bryan asked Clara which animal she wanted to ride on the carousel and she said "the bench." Well, okie dokie then. Haha :)

CFA has a thing where you can turn in the toy that comes with the kid's meal for a small kid's ice cream, which we did because the girls were super well behaved and Clara only asked for ice cream once politely and didn't whine about it.

Clara eating some ice cream post carousel ride 

 Time to go home!

It wasn't until after midnight that we finally got electricity back. 
Clara was impressed this morning when the lights turned on again! hehe

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