Thursday, August 11, 2011

Still no pictures ... but good times at work!

Although I still can't filter through the crazy dumping ground that is my accumulation of pictures, I wanted to let y'all know that my first couple of days back at work have been going really well!

We've set up a pen for Maverick that goes around the back screen door, which we installed a doggie door in. This way he has 16 square feet of space INSIDE with cold tile, a little pet bed, his food, water, toys & the TV on for background noise AS WELL as being able to go outside to wander around, chase bugs, roll in the grass, and go to the bathroom. It's really as best to both worlds as I think we can do for him. I do realize he sounds spoiled :) But, hey, I feel much better at work knowing he's got the best possible situation while we're both gone!

Thank Heavens both days he's been home alone have gone way better than expected!

My first day involved a New Teacher Orientation. We learned about the software they use for lesson plans/grade book/attendance/etc, got on the payroll, and learned quite about the expectations for teachers at Legacy. It was actually incredibly informative without being too much of an information-overload. At the very least, I have good notes I can refer to when questions come up.

Today was All Teacher In-Service, which included sessions on leadership (which was really good! the theme was "ready for battle"), business policies, a run down on how a day at Legacy is going to work this year (which is WAY different when you're in a leased church than a regular school building!) as well as a few other bits and pieces.

After work I took the StrengthFinder2.0 required of all Legacy teachers, which our principal really utilizes. I've been told she keeps copies of everyone's top 5 strengths when she goes into meetings so she can better delegate to who might be better at what. I think that's wonderful. Maybe she won't give me too many detail-oriented tasks :)

My top 5 strengths are:
1. Futuristic (forward-thinking, visionary)
2. Relator (enjoy close relationships, enjoy working hard with friends to meet goals)
3. Input (craving to know more, like to collect information)
4. Empathy (can sense the feelings of other people, and imagine themselves in others' lives or situations)
5. Communication (find it easy to put their thoughts into words, good conversationalists and presenters)

I think it's really accurate! Except maybe Input ... I do love to learn more about specific things, but honestly I'm not really into just collecting information about everything for information's sake like Bryan & Paw - now THEY are TRUE Input people!

Then Mom & I finished getting my Word Wall boards done, and they look great! (Pictures WILL be coming eventually!)

Now I'm sitting back, lesson planing, "relaxing" with my hubby and pup. I'm ready to go back and learn some more tomorrow!

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