Sunday, January 5, 2014

Clara speaks & we laugh

Lately Clara has been full of funny one-liners and little tid-bits. I get so sad when I remember cracking up earlier in the day but unable to remember what she said! I thought I'd jot down a few of them here so I'd at least have a record of a few.

Following Clara squatting to presumably go potty,
Me: "Clara, do you need a new diaper?"
CB: "Prob'ly."
4:32AM we hear over the monitor:
"Un, two, REE! - *whispers*: "yay" -
"Wuff, wuff. Wufffff wuffff, wuf."
"Ashes, ashes, ba ba OW!"
Bang! and an "uh oh."
Then: "night night"
There were a few more "wuff wuffs"

I sneeze repeatedly.
CB: "B'ess oo!"
I'm still sneezing.
CB: "Mommy?"

I'm still sneezing.
CB: "Mommy?! B'ess oo!"
I finally stop momentarily.
CB: "Mommy? Dan' tu!"

(Dan' tu = thank you)
Playing upstairs in Clara's play kitchen.
I reach to open the oven to put her cookie tray in.
CB: "MOMMY! No no no no no!"

I pause and look at her.
CB: "HOT!!!"
Clara points at a spot away from the kitchen, telling me to move. Bemused, I do so.
She puts on her oven mitt, and slides the cookie tray in.
CB: "Hot, Mommy."

We decide to have a family picnic on the floor of the living room while watching a bowl game.
I use my napkin briefly and then set it back down.
CB: *sighs* "Trash."
I look at her.
CB: *sighs again*
Me: "What's the matter?"
Clara picks up my barely used napkin and puts it in the trash.
CB: "Trash, mommy."

I know there are so many more! But that's all I can think of in the last week or so off the top of my head. I'll try to remember to update as I hear them because they really do crack me up! Such personality!

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