Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ice Day Playdate

Today was a(n) snow ice day for our area. Bryan and Clara both had work/preschool cancelled, and I work from home on Tuesday/Thursdays so we had an unexpected weekday family day!

We hung loose at home and played with lots of animals, crayons and books and took a nap, but this afternoon post-nap we decided to meet up with our friends Ms. Michelle and Zachariah (and Mr. Logan once he was off of work) at The Woodlands' Children's Museum. 

As soon as we got there both kids made their way straight to the play house/kitchen area. They put away food in the refrigerator, washed dishes, and made us a snack. They even swept and mopped when they were finished! (Isn't play food the best?)

Then they took the fire truck for a ride.

Loves to "drive"
Mommy! Are you watching!?
Dug up some dinosaurs with her buddy

And played with dry rice.

Made some gears spin.

I love watching Bryan play with his baby girl :)

Those are REAL BIRDS Mama!!!
(4 mini-parrot-type birds in a cage nearby. She was SO excited, especially since she learned the word "bird" just yesterday! "cheep cheep")

It was surprisingly empty there this afternoon so we actually got to play with all of the giant foam building blocks and tubes. I think Bryan was even more excited to play in there than Clara :)

I was more of an observer for this particular activity.

With her buddy
She walks away and climbs up. "Yay-Clara!" :)

climbing is just so much fun

"ba" = ball
Driving the truck, and even changing gears

Oh boy water table time!

Michelle, Z, Bryan and CB
Despite the nifty water protector thingys, it turns out your child can still get drenched if they decide they are thirsty :)

Daddy took Clara's shirt into the bathroom to hold it under the drier while Clara wanted to keep playing :) I got a couple of side-eyes from other parents, but seriously it's COLD. Better to dry the shirt and let her be half naked for 5 minutes than her go outside in 32*F weather with a drenched shirt, right!?

love her expression
One last fun thing to check out before it was time for closing.

Then the 6 of us made our way over to Crust's Pizza. Clara ate over half of my pizza! The girl loves chicken, pineapple and cheese :)

Stuffed and tired, it was almost time to go home.
love these 2!
When we got home Clara rode her truck around the house a few times just to get any last energy and wiggles out before bedtime.

(Sorry so many of the pictures today were blurry - it's hard to catch toddlers keeping still, and I wouldn't even want to when they're having so much fun! :)

Night night!
Hope you stayed warm today!

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