Saturday, January 4, 2014

Clinton gets hitched!

Bryan, Clara and I made the drive to El Campo today to witness Clint & Susan get married. Clara enjoyed waving at the attendants as they walked down the aisle, eating lots of goldfish, and saying "yay!" at the end of every song or reading :) About half way through (it was a full Catholic Mass wedding so they are longer than your average wedding) Clara was tired and getting downright cranky so Papa & I each took a turn holding her in the back. 

Then it was over to the reception! SO many of our family members were there which is always fun. I tried to balance some candid shots with posed shots for variety, but it was a fun wedding and very pretty. I wish we could have stayed longer but Tiny was pooped out. In the car headed home now and she's sound asleep in the back while her unborn sister tried to relocate one of my ribs. Crazy kids.

Anyway: photos! (with some description)

Like me, Clara has a hard time determining what shoes to wear.

But is very helpful when getting dressed!
The drive to El Campo from here took just under 2 hours. Clara was a TROOPER and barely fussed at all. She took an 18 minute nap (not nearly long enough!! eek!), and then taught her bear everything she's learned in her wee lifetime. Who knew she knew so much!?

But this meant she was still really tired when we got her out of the car to head into the church.

Then we headed over to the El Campo Civic Center. I have to say - they did such a great job making the place look awesome! Such pretty wreaths, and center pieces and a table with snacks. It was really nice.

Some of the Meloy Clan
Can you guess what CB was most excited about?
"EAT!!" was the first word out of her mouth when she saw the table with food.
She's got a fairly one track mind sometimes.
We were able to hook her up with a plate full of cheese, crackers and grapes. Apparently she wasn't feeling the cantaloupe, broccoli or carrots, so Bryan & I helped her out with those. I hadn't had anything to eat and it was 3pm so I was hungry too!

Apparently one plate wasn't enough to fill her up. She had THREE small plates of food, plus watered down lemonade and a yogurt, applesauce, and half a bag of goldfish. This child must be on a growth spurt! geez.

Clara got a little worried when Daddy ate one of her grapes. 
With Meemaw
More of the Meloy Clan visiting

There were TEN bridesmaids and NINE groomsmen! That's a lot! But they looked great!

This girl is very blessed with this Daddy
EXCELLENT Meloy/Evans family shot! Especially considering how tired the two girls were!

Hermes group shot! good lookin' crew

G + M
Reed & Paige
Meemaw and silly face Molly
Papaw, lean in!
Clara & I join in

Molly Mouse making the rounds
Regressing to crawling for a short while. I have no idea why.
If you play Ring Around the Rosie too many times you will feel VERY dizzy. And you really will fall down!
But who can refuse a sweet tot reaching for your hand and asking for "more ashes, ashes?"!?!?
I don't have any pictures of this, but Clara and this other toddler were trying to make friends by doing the awkward toddler walk up, wave, back up, say hi, look at mommy/daddy, walk up again, offer to play Ring Around the Rosie, get shot down, repeat. Hilarious. And so cute.

Lulu, Mommy & Clara Beth
Daddy, CB & Mommy


Daddy "dancing" with Clara by swinging her around

Saying Bye Bye to Papaw and asking for more grapes
I had to cut her off of grapes! Do you know what those things do to diapers!?!? Ew.
Anyway, we made the 2 hour drive, then lasted from 2-5, and then Clara was just too tired to hang in there. She was asleep within about 4 minutes of the ride home. We stopped by Freebirds once we were close to home and she scarfed an entire baby burrito and cup of rice. Growth spurt for sure.

Now everyone is peacefully sleeping except for me, but now that I've got the blog updated, I'm off to bed too!

Congratulations Clinton & Susan!
It was a lovely wedding!

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