Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Counting Down

Well, you may remember that I was supposed to have an MRI on my brain & spine today. Mom had decided to drive to our part of town for moral support, so I felt badly when I got a call this morning after she was already half way there letting me know our insurance hasn't yet confirmed their intent to cover the MRI, so I have to post-pone it until next week at some point. I was a little frustrated, because I'm wanting some answers... but that's how it goes! I will wait to reschedule until they have received confirmation from our insurance.

Since Mom was already on her way, she just kept coming! We had a really nice meat-free brunch at Ihop and managed to make it just in time for the Ash Wednesday service at Prince of Peace. Then we swung by their old house to talk to the woman leasing the house, and then to (of course) our house! Talked to our builder for a few moments, and then we got busy taking measurements of all the windows for later reference when we start looking for (or sewing) curtains. Why not do it now? We'll be busy moving, painting or decorating once we close, so now I have all the measurements on my phone and we won't have to worry about it should we find something we like!

The stone guys came back out to recess the outlet above the mantle, they fixed the A/C, and the backdoor with it's awesome "inside blinds" was installed! Plus the shutters have been stained & are drying:

Mom's just silly :)

Then we drove to my apartment to unload some boxes & packing supplies Mom & Dad had left over/kept from their previous move. After Mom left, I got busy & got lots packed up! Especially in our office & kitchen. I even started on our clothes, sorting through what we'll need in the new few weeks vs. what can already be packed away.

Since we'll be picking up the puppy on March 19 or 20, we want as much does as possible before that!!

In other news: I have an interview for a tutoring agency on Friday! We'll see how it goes!

Countdown to Interview = 2 Days
Countdown to picking up the puppy = 10 days
Countdown to closing on the house = 17 days

Not that anyone's counting down of course .... :)

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