Saturday, March 15, 2014

Busy Bee Friday

Our Tiny is a mover and a shaker and it can be a challenge sometimes to keep her active little mind and body engaged and out of trouble, even for a few hours. But between preschool and this afternoon/evening's shenanigans (Friday night) I think we managed to exhaust her if her eye rubbing and putting everything in the living room to night night is any indication :) plus not a single fuss from upstairs! Win!

There were snacks and snuggles with Dada:

And Mommy taught Clara how to give a foot massage!!! Mixing Clara's love of lotion and love of playing with Mommy together = complete win :)

She found a headband and took turns trying it on and attempting to put it on the dogs, which they (unsurprisingly) did not appreciate.

Another attempt on the potty:

She found a puppy toy to play with:

Our brief step out of doors turned into Clara taking off for the park and Mommy running after her with the dogs and a VERY sore hip. Eeek.

She got all the way to the park all by herself. I think it only took a few years off of my life. And I managed to get a hold of Bryan inside to bring some poop bags for the dogs (I left unprepared to clean up any messes they would make) and help me with Clara. I was hurting a wee bit. 

The park is just so much fun!

We had a couple of people there ask if Bryan and I intended to go to the park barefoot. Um, definitely not. The little sharp pieces of bark are not barefoot friendly, you see.
The puppies were glad to have the chance to go on an unexpected walk! But they wanted to play on the playground with Clara instead of sit to the side. 

After watching her run into streets without a second thought on the way there, I knew we needed some safe street crossing intervention instruction ASAP. Here is Bryan trying to show her how to look both ways and walk on the SIDEWALK, not the street.

By the time we got home she was stopping every so often, looking both ways and waving her arms if there weren't any cars in sight. A good first lesson! She was realllly pooped by the time we got home. 

She refueled on a huge cup of water and some applesauce and then off to bed she went.

Phew. Busy, busy. Today (Saturday) isn't turning out much calmer. We attempted a park before it was supposed to rain, but then it rained anyway, so I took Clara to the Children's Museum while Bryan got a hair cut, then it was lunch and a nap for Mommy (which Clara boycotted, grrr), and we're about to go to Alexa's 2nd birthday party in a few minutes! It's a good thing we don't have anything planned on Sunday except church :)

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