Saturday, March 1, 2014

Old MacDonald Farm: Brody's 1st Birthday!

From my earlier post you know how the morning/early afternoon went, but after that we went to Chicfila for lunch, and then to Brody's 1st birthday party held at the Old MacDonald Farm!

We were there last year around this time (April, 2013) when Clara had just turned 10 months old:

So cute and little! Mercy.

Checking out the pony rides
But I think it's safe to say Clara enjoyed it even more this time now that she's older and more mobile. 

Before we headed over to Humble to the party, we stopped at Chic-fil-A to feed the tiny one and ourselves. She managed to nap about 20-25minutes after on the way to the party, thank goodness. It still wasn't nearly enough, but so much better than nothing!

After we arrived Clara zoned in on the petting zoo area immediately and off we went before we had time to say much more than "hello" to Aunt Quay and Uncle John.

Donkey vs. Toddler Stare Down
 Clara *might* have won the stare down, but there was a moo cow right next door, which is exceptionally appealing to those of the small variety. 

Right up until this cow let out a great big loud "mooo!"
 And then Clara FLIPPED out, it scared her so bad, since it was right in her face. Poor baby dealing with mean cows.
Bawk, bawk, chickens
"Ohhhh, puppy??" "Deer, Clara. It's a deer."
 'Are you sure?' look :)

petting zoo with an attitude
<3 td="">
 Daddy showing Clara the goats



Play time on the playground!

After getting hot and sweaty, we met back up with the birthday crew.
Birthday boy and his Mommy
 Clara loooovveeesss to feed Mommy & Daddy
"Eat, Mommy!"
Birthday boy with his Dad
 Sweet family :)

Aunt Quay has the Nana thing down pat
Lots of family and friends came
Making a small friend:

 Such cute little people

He can't walk, so I'll crawl too

Baby girl taking off for the pony rides and Daddy chasing her down :)

More deer
Mommy holding Clara so she can see the horsies:

We weren't sure how she was going to do when it was her turn. There were 2 larger horses and then 1 tiny one. We asked if we could wait until the little one was available, which they readily agreed to since Clara was by far the littlest one in line at the time.

The first few seconds she panicked and looked at me with terror in her sweet eyes, so I wrapped my arm around her and said, "Yay, Clara!! neigh neigh neigh!"
She looked at the pony again, petted it, and chimed in "weee! weee! neigh neigh!" and gladly rode along! Bryan and I were so excited for her. She seemed to really think the bouncing up and down and horsey type snorts were awesome. 
If she had truly panicked I would have taken her off and we could have tried again at a later date, but I'm glad she enjoyed it after all :)


In fact, she was not overly pleased about being removed from the pony after the lap around the ring was over. 

We consoled her with another visit to see the goats.

And sheep.

We had to stop her right before she was about to try to share the sheep's food with them. Gross. It's hard to explain to a 20 month old why some foods are for sheep and some foods are for kiddos. Logic is useless sometimes.
To then console her for the lack of sheep food (gross), we took her to see the choo choo train and hop on board.

And ran into some of Brody's other party guests!

Edith made the picture with Clara, ha

Family selfie on a train
 Take 2:
 Doesn't she look thrilled?

I promise she did like it though :)

Mooo cows over there
"Hi, Ducks!"
 Phew. Hot again, so back to the party and sucking down a capri sun. Yumm.

Mommy is anti-unnecessary-helium usage, so she doesn't get to see balloons very often.
They are so exciting though!!

Silly sweet girl :)
Brody diving into some birthday cake!
 Clara wasn't sure if she wanted a piece or not, until she tried it.


She ate most of a slice before Bryan and I decided to take it away. Don't want her to have a tummy ache!! But she was a little displeased :(

Picture with the birthday boy!

Distracted by the balloons
So cute! and man did Brody enjoy his cake!
 So neat to have so many friends and family there to celebrate his birthday!

Sweet baby girl was sooo pooped out.

Sorry for the super long post, but it's hard to pick and choose from so many cute photos!
Happy birthday Brody! Thank you for inviting us to your party!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I laughed out loud at the "Puppy? No, Clara, that's a deer." And I also loved the picture of Edith & Clara ;) Glad y'all had such a good time!
