Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sickie Chickie

Sometimes when you feel a little under the weather you need to read with Lulu, have pizza with a friend, cuddle with Mommy and Dada, and watch some Legacy baseball. 

She's got a pediatrician appointment this afternoon. I'm about positive they are going to say it's an ear infection combined with teething that's causing the problems, but we'll see for sure in a little bit.
Puppies are literate too

Pizza, crayons, and a hot date

Such a cutie

Snuggles with Mommy

Tickles with Dada
I try really hard to make sure I support all of my student's extracurricular activities. I can't drive to Dallas for a swim meet, and I can't make every basketball game that happens in Brenham, but if there's a local football, basketball, baseball game or one of my students is staring in a musical production though CYT, or going to state in a National Spelling Bee and it's happening close to home, I will do my absolute best to be there. It doesn't always happen due to a toddler and my life in general, but I LOVE to see my students shine.

A huge population of my high school boys are on the Legacy Baseball Team, and we were close enough to attend yesterday, so off we went! (plus it was at 4pm so I could even bring the Squirt! hooray!)

She really started liking it. Although who knew the new "clapping" was "beep beep beeping?" :)

Legacy played really well, and it totally made my day to hear these big tough boys call out from the dugout, "Hey Mrs Evans!!!!' :) How can you help but love them!?

Hopefully Clara will be feeling better ASAP!

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