Monday, August 11, 2014

Cunningham Family's 125th Reunion (Saturday)

We were so excited to get up and get going on Saturday! 

Clara decided to help keep Molly entertained in the morning while we rushed to get ready for our family picture.


Then Clara even helped Mommy put Emma's dress on. She's a great big sister and big cousin!

We arrived at Kyle's (my mom's cousin) studio and waited for a little while since Kyle had to go feed the cows.

Clara had a lot of fun playing with the screen door and chasing the cat.


"CAT! meow meow, where you go? cccaaatttt" :)

Then Lulu and Papa gave Molly girl her birthday present. Clara was happy to help her open it and figure out the puzzles :)


Then it was time to take a whole group photo and a photo of the grandparents and the grandbabies.

so sweet
Clara was ready to go bye bye apparently
Then we went back to the hotel to let the girls (and, ahem, mommy) take a nap. Since Clara thought 4:45am was a good wake up time we all needed one! We hung out with Grady and Marissa in the lobby while the kiddos slept.

After the girls woke up we headed over to the reunion grounds!
Too fun!
Clara travels in style.

Uncle Scot & Amy set up a water slide each year for the kids - very cool!

Clara's still pretty little so she didn't last very long amidst all the big kiddos. So she got dried off to come play a little closer to the adults. 

Emma played "pass the baby" for a while - here's Amy helping keep her cool next to the fan. It was SO HOT.

Lots of visiting and laughing and fellowship happening: 

mmmm oranges with Dada

Brody attempting to drink a capri sun, haha

Aunt Quay taking a turn with wee Emma 

Emma was so hot and sleepy. We stripped her down and she fell asleep chewing on Daddy's thumb, while Lulu did crafts with Clara and Molly.


Emily with her son Brody in the inflatable and sweet Emma asleep in the wagon on some towels by the fan.


Mmmm a "nack"
handsome hubby
great picture of my parents
 The girls requesting drinks from Uncle G


still slumbering away


The craft for the kids was a frame they painted and decorated with stickers. Clara was VERY proud of her frame and showed everyone :)


a TUPTAKE! (brownie)
 Lulu brought cupcakes to celebrate Molly's birthday!
I have a video but apparently it didn't upload properly so I will have to retry that one.

Molly enjoyed playing with the cupcake, but she didn't actually eat any of it.

Clara and Molly were FILTHY after their exploits at the reunion.

A bath was called for (Clara was very reluctant, Molly was compliant).

Sweet cousins getting clean :) 

All three little loves
It was a hot day and a busy one, but really good.

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