Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Big, big day!! (Molly & Emma)

A big day for two very special and exciting reasons!

First, sweet little Molly love turned ONE today!! She is an absolute treasure and we love her so much. I can't believe how fast time is flying with these little ones. 

Lulu, Clara, Emma and I even got to facetime with the birthday girl and her mommy :) Sometimes technology is way cool.

Happy birthday sweet girl!!

And secondly, another very important milestone occurred today: EMMA TOOK FOOD FROM SOMEONE ELSE. 

If you knew how often I've been on my knees praying for help, and how twisted into my knots my stomach has been over the fact that Emma wouldn't take a bottle, you'd realize how huge this is too.

Here is a very short video that Kim, the wonderful child care provider, sent me today showing me the way she got Emma to eat. She's NEVER willingly accepted anything but the breast, so this was HUGE. She wouldn't the bottle any of the 15-20 times we've tried in the past month with various people, locations and times BUT Kim mixed some of my breastmilk with rice cereal and apple puree and convinced Emma it was good stuff by going slow and cheering her on.


Hooray Emma! (And hooray much-less-stressed-out-mommy!!)

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