Monday, August 11, 2014

Post-Cunningham Family's 125th Reunion (Sunday)

Saturday night at the hotel with Clara and Emma was a DISASTER. There really is no other word. I felt awful for our room neighbors because no matter what we did from 1am-5am Clara did nothing but scream and cry and laugh manically. It was awful. This of course made it hard for Emma to sleep so she'd end up crying too. 

Bryan and I were extremely frustrated. Clara finally passed out around 6am and woke up again at 8am. Bryan and I were tired and frustrated, but that was nothing compared to how tired and grumpy our toddler was. Sheesh.

We originally had planned to go to all of the other Cunningham Reunion activities but I was not willing to take our tantruming toddler anywhere but home :(  I was sad to miss the chance to visit with family some more, but I think most would rather we not subject them to the big angst from this tiny person.

Loving her new pajamas, changing her baby doll's diaper and eating a "tuptake" (muffin) and sharing with baby doll.

Emma just did some cooing and smiling on the pillow :)

 Clara dragging her blanket out the door on the way to the car, haha.

In the car Clara practiced singing along with Bubble Guppies. She actually did it far more enthusiastically a few times before I decided to try to get it on video, so this is a slightly lackluster performance compared to previous times, but it's still super cute. 

On our way home we stopped by Freeb!rds in College Station for lunch. Clara LOVED watching the birds hoping around on the sidewalk through the window.
"hi bird! hi bird! hi bird!" ... it hops away... "bye bird! where you go? bird?" hops back by... "Hi bird!! hi bird!! cheep cheep!" ... it hops away ... "bye bird. where you go bird?" Haha!
Thankfully the folks at nearby table thought she was entertaining rather than irritating :) 
 Notice they are still in their PJs. Oh well. Clara LOVES those PJs!! I may need to go get a second pair... Also, Emma slept almost the entire way home, poor pooped out baby. Clara didn't take a nap at ALL. I even took a 30 minute nap somehow despite her constant chatter and squeals. (Impressive, actually.)

Maverick was very happy to see us once we got home and picked him up. He celebrated by running in circles and passing out.

Emma was definitely ready for some mommy interaction once we got home. That's a long time in a car seat for a wee one with only one break!

Clara was a hot MESS, so we did everything we could to keep her busy and content until bed time.

There was lots of pouting and many tears during this process.

I even resorted to a mini-popsicle.  

And she "helped" me get ready for my first day back at work.

Both girls cried/screamed from about 6pm-10pm or so. It was brutal. 
They finally passed out though, thank Heavens. And then I had a good long cry of the exhausted and stressed.

Emma woke up in a great mood this morning after all of that! Clara did not. She woke up spitting mad. BUT tonight (Monday) as I'm writing this, Clara is making up for lost sleep over the past few nights by going to bed easily and happily. Phew. 

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