Last night and most of today have been incredibly productive. Bryan's been getting lots of work done for his job and I've been hard at the books to prepare for the Generalist EC-6 test on Wednesday. Bryan decided that since our brains were nearing capacity anyway, we should take a break and go see Despicable Me!
It was really cute. I especially enjoyed the little girls that were sitting right next to me. The littlest one kept saying "That's not nice!" to the Mr. Gru (the main character) and occasionally repeating phrases that the characters said. Too funny. I also enjoyed all of Bryan's chuckling. He says he's a grown up... but sometimes I'm not sure if either of us are :) I do think we were some of the only adults in there without children under 5... oh well! We liked it too!
I love College Station's movie prices. Since we went before 6pm it was only $3.50 each! I will sorely miss this should we move!
We loved despicable me and for the record I probably would have gone even if I didn't have kids!