Thursday, December 23, 2010

UP the stairs

Today Bryan and I SLEPT IN! Whoo hoo :) But much more interesting was the rest of the day! We ran a few errands: Target (twice), Steinmart, PayLess, & Jim's Hardware. PLUS we went by to see the house again! Bryan hadn't had the opportunity to actually walk INTO the house yet, and it's been 2 days since I last visited, so I was curious to see what all had changed in just that short time. Well, here's the progress:

The first thing we saw when we drove up was that more of the ROOF framing was done!
How cool does this look with the sky showing between the rafters? (Of course, I will be grateful for the singles later on....)

And in the spirit of the roof, the extended patio is now truly becoming the extended COVERED patio! whoop!

Once we walked in, no one was over by the stairs or directly in the bonus room, so we decided to brave the stairs and actually go look up at the second story! We were actually incredibly excited about this - see the smiles?

Once we reached the top of the stairs, our bravery failed - doh! We weren't sure if someone would get upset if we walked out onto the second floor without any walls, so we viewed from the top step. Here's part of the second floor - you can see the bonus room and part of the bathroom. The 4th bedroom is actually behind us. I'd show you a picture, but it's still looking a little un-bedroom-ish, so I'll wait until there's a little more progress in that direction before I show you.

And here's the house so far:

Lookin' good, no?

Then we went to my parent's house in Conroe to celebrate Christmas a wee bit early, since we'll be in the rehab center with Papaw tomorrow and then at Bryan's grandparents' house on Saturday. I have pictures, and I'll share all about it tomorrow! (Or maybe after Christmas?)

Happy Eve of Christmas Eve!

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