Friday, May 16, 2014

Clara's Surgery

Well, the day finally came - yesterday Clara had tubes put into her ears and her adenoids removed. After the surgery the doctor told us that Clara's adenoids were some of the most infected he'd seen in a while for her age. Poor baby :( Hopefully she's now on the road to feeling so much better though!!

We had to be at the hospital at 7am. I think Clara was a little confused about why Mommy and Dada would wake her up, and take her somewhere unfamiliar.

I thought it was pretty cool that the surgery center gave Clara a little booklet and crayons. Smart of them! Especially since the pictures gave us the opening to talk about what was going on with some visual cues.

Once they called us back, Lulu hung with Emma-girl while Bryan and I waited with Clara. We got her tiny hospital gown on, which Clara thought was pretty funny, and made sure to show all the nurses her belly button :) She was in such a good mood! The nurses said she was one of the easiest patients she'd had. She let them put the bracelet on her foot, take her temp, and look at her oxygen levels without making a fuss at all. She was also a huge fan of the "hat" they gave her. Bryan and I took turns wearing it too, which made her laugh, and we all took turns covering our faces and playing peek-a-boo.

Then they gave her some "happy juice" which made her REALLY silly and loopy and a little sleepy. She thought looking at herself on the camera was hysterical.

Then it REALLY starting making her sleepy. Lulu got to come back and get some cuddles in before they took Clara back.

 I was lucky enough to get some pretty sweet cuddles with my girl too. 

I had confidence in the doctors and in the simplicity of the surgery, but that doesn't really help my mommy nerves.

Plus ever since Clara's c-section the smell of hospitals and especially the lingering scent of anesthesia makes me SO sick. I nearly vomited everywhere and came very close to fainting. It's a completely irrational fear, but I can't seem to stop the terror that grips me now. Thankfully I could hold it together while I was taking care of Clara.

Emma was along for moral support.

I don't have a single picture from at the hospital from after the surgery. It took all of our energy to keep Clara safe and calm. She was SO upset and disoriented and confused and mad coming out of the anesthesia. Since her adenoids were so bad, they ended up needing to put an IV in her hand, and for some reason unknown to me they decided to leave it in until she fully woke up - and could see it - and panic all over again. An interesting process. She was floppy and moaning and crying and I can honestly say that's one of the worst feelings ever.

And then Mommy went and put drops in her ears. It took ALL day (literally right before dinner/bed) before Clara would even look at me, let alone let me touch her. It hurt my heart so badly. 
Thank Heavens for Lulu and Papa.

Lulu, Clara, Emma and I all took a nap together when we got home, and Clara slept off and on the rest of the afternoon.

Emma helped me write a final exam :)
She slept SO well on her tummy!

I was told by so many people that after a little bit of sleep she'd be right as rain the rest of the day. LIES.
I wish I had been better prepared for the angst and desperation I'd see after the surgery. It's definitely good to know that that's what happens should we ever have to repeat this (I hope not!). Although I'm told it's the adenoids that make it worse; if it had just been tubes they don't have to get the IV meds.

She's doing MUCH better today though.
Thank you so much for all the prayers I know where said.
Hoping to avoid so many ear infections moving forward!!!

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