Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sweetest Sisters

Over the weekend our little family of 4 had a lot of fun together!
It was the weekend we took Clara's pacifier away, so we were prepared for it to be brutal, but I couldn't have been more surprised or pleased or proud of the way Clara handled the transition. (Of course if I'd known she was going to have 2 molars poke through in the past day I might've waited until NEXT week, but that's really beside the point.)

We started Saturday off by cleaning and organizing our garage. Well, Bryan & I organized and cleaned, the girls did this:

I spent most of the time working, but eventually Emma woke up and needed to eat and Clara wanted a popsicle. This was the end result:
lots of supervision for Daddy :)
 Then there was play time on the kick'n'play piano mat:

And while Mommy entertained Emma, Daddy entertained Clara.


We really enjoy cuddling in bed all together on Saturdays and Sundays and any other day we all are home. We do lots of reading and talking and playing. I seriously love it.

I LOVE this video of Clara reading!! So funny!!

Now Clara thinks of it as her personal bonding time with Emma too :)

Cute Video:

Included lest you think it's all smooth sailing, HA!
 Doing really well without the paci!!
big blue eyes

lots of snoozing

silly puppies!
 Lots of reading with Mommy & Daddy:

Sweet girl:


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures of both girls on the play mat!! Too fun.
