Thursday, May 1, 2014

holy moly

This morning was the first time I've had to get both girls up and out the door completely by myself. Usually Bryan helps with one or the other before he leaves for work, but both were still sleeping right up until he stepped out the door.... little stinkers. 

It turns out that it's rather challenging to hold a crying newborn WHILE wrestling dressing a wiggling toddler, and nursing the one while attempting to feed the other. And getting them both in the car when one wants the carseat to sway and the other is worried that the clump of mud she found on the patio might be hungry. 

Aye caramba. 

Crossing her feet like a lady

golly gee she's cute

"Mommy! It EAT!! Eat!? Eat????"
Feeding it some grass which is what I told her mud eats 
Watching the mud "eat" grass while she eats her muffn
By this time my arm is about to fall off from rocking the carseat to keep Emma happy.

Phew. Finally ... 
off to school! hooray mommy!
 Then Emma and I met up with Lulu for a pedicure. Emma was greatly admired. And I like this place because the fumes aren't strong at all!

out of order photo from this morning
 THEN, after lunch with a family friend, Lulu and I picked up Clara from school.
We met Liz and Alex to walk to a park a little further away that I've been wanting to check out (also get some exercise walking). We took the dogs and the double stroller which by the way is HEAVY. Better workout than anticipated!

Unfortunately Lulu had to leave almost immediately to get their A/C fixed. (Sorry about that Mom!!) This guy has been HOURS late (or days late in some cases, so who knew he'd actually be there within the time frame!? Clara was in the swing at the time and cried for "woo woo" (Lulu) when she had to leave. But thanks for taking the puppies back home! I definitely couldn't have handled all 4 creatures by myself, oh my gosh.

Right after Lulu left Emma woke up starving. So I pushed Clara in the swing while nursing Emma. Sometimes I feel like Super Woman. But in this case since I was leaking milk everywhere and my toddler was screaming at me to put Emma in the swing next to her I mostly felt like a very damp and frazzled mom of two young children. 

Also: I dare you to try to get a 25lb toddler out of a baby swing WHILE nursing. Who needs dumbells!?

Finally I successfully got both feet out of the swing at the same time and was able to get her on the ground so she could go play on these fun little dudes:
Alex and Liz behind Clara
 She looks grumpy in several of these pictures because she was.

But then Liz volunteered to hold Emma for a little while and Clara cheered right up because Mommy was playing with HER!

I'm not sure why she looks upset or terrified in this picture, because she thought these things were AWESOME.

You may notice the absence of shoes. I noticed this as well.

This really is a pretty neat little playground! It's geared for slightly older kids, but Alex seemed to really enjoy it and Clara finally warmed up to it.

Playing with her compadre
After some water and snacks we walked the kids back home via a slightly longer route. I was EXHAUSTED by the time we got home, holy moly. And Clara was CRANKY, sheesh. 

I wanted to relax so I ran a bath. Clara decided to get in with me. Then I thought, "what the heck?" and gave Emma a bath while I was in there too. Both girls peed on me in the tub. 

And now they are asleep.
For now.

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