Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekend Part Uno: Embracing Suburban Mommyhood

It was a good and busy weekend here in the Evans' household!

It was Bryan's Friday off, so our weekend started early, which is always awesome. Bryan and I ran errands and did chores separately before meeting up for a late lunch at BJ's, one of our favorites. We asked to sit outside because it was a rare pleasant day in Houston (with shade). Emma just hung loose beneath the table :)

We picked up Clara from preschool and had a lot of fun playing in the afternoon/evening. We wanted to make sure Clara had lots of fun and was good and tuckered out before our friends came over.
name train - whoo whooo
 Notice how all of her babies are laying on pallets on the floor, and then she's holding the misbehaving bear "no, no bear, shhh shhh, no no" :)

Clara went down at her usual bedtime right on the dot with zero fussing (win for the parents!) and before too long Michelle & Logan (and baby Jonah) were here!

Prepping the child because it's high colic time. I find myself trying to remember how long Clara was colicky before it stopped. A few months I'm pretty sure. Eeek.

snug as a bug in a rug
Goose taking advantage of the discarded boppy. Sheesh puppies.

We played Bezzerwizer (although I may be misspelling it) and Wits & Wagers - both games I'm looking forward to repeating! 
24.9983% - sure, I'll bet on that
tummy troubles
Sweet Michelle & Jonah

Can we have a snack now too?

The next morning the girls were ready to rise and shine. 
Clara LOVES to cuddle with her sissy first thing in the morning on the weekend. She thinks it's awesome for us to hang out in bed for a little while and read and talk - and it's one of my favorite times too. 

BIG wet kisses for Baby Emma

 She likes to ask Emma "puppy?" trying to get her to find the puppy on the page, or ball, or door, or sunshine, etc. Poor Emma has been rather unsuccessful so far mastering the skill of read-and-find as we call it.
 But don't worry! Clara hasn't given up trying to teach her yet!!

love her smile!!

We played all morning and then took naps, and then had a late lunch at Texas Road House - yummy! Clara put away an entire kid's meal of grilled chicken and steak fries all by herself.

And then wanted nap round 2 while we finished our meals.
"clara go night night, mama?"
And THEN we went to CarMax - and yes, those are our new wheels:

Clara had fun pretending to drive all of the mini-vans we looked at, and buckling herself up to be "so safe" :)
Emma hung out in the Boba Wrap - and I learned how to nurse in it! Not super elegantly yet, but man will that be awesome when I can do it really well. 

Then, waiting for paperwork, Clara had fun playing in their kid's area:

And Emma sulked because the kids were noisy.

She's getting so good at drinking from a cup! (as long as it's not super full)
The right pig tail was removed by Clara.
Emma hanging out and showing off her awesome neck control these days:

love this sweet baby emma lou
Family mini-van selfie
Since we knew we wanted to get one but didn't think we'd actually do it that day, we were unprepared for doing the whole car swap thing. With two kids. Aye yi yi. Poor planning, but we made it work.

Emma celebrated this purchase by having the biggest poop she's taken yet in her short life. It was EVERYWHERE. Her little outfit was soaked through with poo - and coincidentally, so was mine. I've never actually had to rinse a child of mine off in a public bathroom sink before, but I really had no other option. Just - wow. There was a bath for BOTH of us when we returned home. I had to scrub poo out of her belly button, ears and everywhere else after all.

Anyway, we were able to get a great trade in value for the Highlander and we were very pleased with the price we got on the Chrysler. Very happy! And man do I love sliding doors, especially with two kids.

By the time we had signed on the dotted line, loaded the girls up and got home Clara was very ready for bed, and Emma started her usual colicky routine while we took turns walking her around and bouncing and watching House Hunters :) (AFTER Emma's bath, of course)


  1. I love Wits & Wagers!! I also love that Clara tries to get Emma to find things in her books. And the hilariousness of picturing you cleaning Emma in a public bathroom sink hahah...

  2. Oh, and that picture of Emma's sweet smile just makes me so happy!! Precious girl.
