Friday, June 13, 2014

TWO years old


What an education you have been these past two years.

You teach me daily about finding joy. A stick on the ground, an unexpected goldfish in the carseat, a song on the radio, running fast enough to feel like you're flying, a snuggle, rock-rocking, and so many other little things make you smile and giggle infectiously. Your "Ohhh" (I can't do it justice in type) has become a catch phrase around this house whenever anything makes us unexpectedly happy.

You have also taught me the meaning of endurance. Well, you and your little sister both. I can go for days with minimal sleep, eating the food you left on your plate, and smelling like all kinds of baby and toddler messes and STILL find the energy to make sure you and your sister are safe and loved. I truly don't believe it should physically possible sometimes. We've spent entire nights in your rocking chair as molars brutally fight their way out of your gums. We've spent afternoons playing a modified version of ring around in the rosie in the shower over and over and over to try to steam your sinuses clear. We've marathon read "First 100 Words" until I thought my eyes would bleed because you were so determined to be able to correctly identify every single item.

You have taught me to pray and pray well. You've blessed me hundreds of times with your precious meal and bedtime prayers. "Thank you God for this food, amen." and "Mommy night night, Daddy night night, Emma night night, Clara night night, puppies night night, love, kisses, amen." But more than your sweet sweet prayers, I've been on my knees asking for wisdom and guidance for teaching you during this crucial stage. You have such a tender heart but such powerful emotions that it can be tricky to balance discipline with loving reinforcement.

You have taught me about YOU. I know you love chicken, rice, peanut butter, yogurt, pizza, and fruit of all kinds. I know you like to cuddle with your "tete" (blanket) when you're scared, nervous, or sleepy. I know you enjoy loving on others - pats on the back, kisses, hugs, and cheering. I've watched as you dance and groove to all genres of music, and listen to and read books about many subjects. You like to throw balls, jump on trampolines and splash in water. You like routines, but given enough encouragement, can handle change. You especially like to love on your "bebe Emma" and boss the puppies around.

You can count to 15, but don't always get it quite right. Lately you've started skipping the number 1 for some reason. You sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABCs, EIEIO, Clean-Up Song, Yellow, Wheels on the Bus, Ring Around the Rosie, Baby Bumble Bee and even more I can't think of off the top of my head. You LOVE to sing! Songs with motions are a bonus :) Wheels on the Bus is probably your favorite. You know your name and the names of your friends and family. You know the colors and can recognize them and point them out with accuracy the majority of the time. You know bunches of animal names and the sounds they make. Your vocabulary is huge, and you're using 2-4 word sentences.

As you grow I encourage you to continue loving on and caring for you sister. You don't do it for attention, you just genuinely love her and I believe that's very telling about your huge heart.

I encourage you to be careful with your tender feelings. Like me, you require affirmation to thrive, and quickly wilt under raised voices and reprimands. Unfortunately, when you're little you receive more instructions than you want, but keep using those listening ears. You follow instructions rather well when they are given to you in words you understand.

I love you so much, Clara Beth.
You are truly my sunshine.


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