Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I just realized I forget to tell you guys that I had my first MOPS group meeting today!

(I realize you may not be interested in all these little details of my life, but my blog is my channel to spew, vent, discuss, praise, share adorable pictures, etc, so I just keep going - sorry! And it's been really good for me. It's a "diary" that's public ... kind of an odd concept, but I like it.)

Back to the subject at hand. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers).

Usually during MOPS the kiddos go to the nursery during the meeting while the mommies meet and do crafts or listen to a speaker. However, for what they call "nursing-aged infants" - or infants under 9 months, they stay in the room. They have "mentor moms" there (moms that already have kids grown and gone but want to volunteer) to help hold babies or bounce them, etc. so the mommies can still enjoy some hands-free time while there. (Yay!)
Ha, they were like "we know first time moms usually don't feel comfortable taking advantage of it, but please feel free..." I looked around and I was the ONLY 1st time mom who immediately handed sweet fussy Clara over. I'm not sure exactly what that says about me, but the lady was right next to me so I could keep a very close eye on the situation. Plus my back was killing me from pacing around the house all morning with her. I'm actually pretty flexible with letting others hold her, as long as I trust them or can see them. Apparently most first time moms aren't. They must be more protective than me. Or maybe not as stressed and tired? Or maybe I'm a broken mommy. Not sure. 

I promise I love her!! Bunches! My back, ears, and emotions just hurt a little bit.

Today we listened to a pastor speak about growing spiritual children when they're little so that they will grow up to be teenagers confident in who they ARE and who they are MEANT TO BE, and not who society wants them to be. There were tips on teaching them to pray, teaching them about conviction, honesty with God, and addressing who God really is with tiny kiddos (meaning: he is not a Zues-like character flying around the sky.)  It was really good and I got some great ideas out of it!

We are divided into 4 groups. The group you sit with on Week 1 is where you sit for the rest of the semester so you really get to know the ladies at your table. There are about 8 of us (I think) + one mentor mom, Fran, who was probably pretty disappointed she was holding my screaming infant instead of one of the sweet cooing ones at the other tables :) haha, she was really sweet about it though and even volunteered to come babysit one evening for us so we could get out of the house! I'm not sure about that yet, but maybe after a couple more meetings where I get to know her better.
(See! I am careful!)

We played 2 truths and a lie - I LOVE that game by the way - and I always manage to stump everyone :) too fun. (I think I've retained my competitive nature despite the raging hormones.)Then we had an opportunity to just visit and get to know each other. It was well planned and managed, yet still managed to be low key. I can tell the ladies who run it are very good coordinators. Plus I was given a shower curtain, towels, a toothbrush holder, soap holder, etc for Clara's bathroom - all wee animals. Super cute, and it goes with what we already have! Yay!

I definitely think the low cost will be worth it for me to do this twice a month! Ahhh, sanity. We will meet again.


  1. Ooh, my mom is a MOPS mentor at our church! That's cool that you found a group that works with your schedule. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. And sanity is always nice :)

    P.S. I know that I am one of many people who appreciate you letting others hold your baby...I don't think anyone would call you a bad mom for it :)

  2. You are a good Mama. Don't ever doubt that. It's healthy to have a support system and to accept the help of willing hands & hearts!
