Monday, September 3, 2012

Tiny's First Swim!

This Labor Day was extra special because ... well, there wasn't any labor happening, but there was fun with friends, and family - AND some swimming!

MeMaw & Paw Evans, Meemaw & Papaw Meloy, Aunt Tricia & Uncle Dwayne, my parents, and our friends Wendy & Ross & their 8 month old son Henry also joined in on all the fun.

Here are some great-grandparents enjoying some cuddles with their great-grandbaby:

Momma decided Clara needed to try swimming for the first time, so here we are getting our swim diaper, swim suit, and sunblock on:

Hanging with Momma in the pool :)

Daddy blew up this fun baby float for wee Clara Beth to float around in. She's not *quite* big enough yet, but she did enjoy it with very close supervision for about 15 minutes. I'm bummed Bryan's eyes are closed!

Wendy with Henry, and me with CB:

 3 generations - 2 with matching pink hats :)

Swimming (or floating around in someone else's arms is very hard work:

So sweet. And so fun. Love you Baby Nemo.

1 comment:

  1. After seeing the first picture of Clara with Meemaw I thought, "Oh my goodness, I didn't know Clara has grown THAT much!" After seeing the picture of Clara with Pappaw I thought, "Well...maybe the picture with Meemaw gave me a skewed impression..." haha..

    Glad y'all had so much fun! I loved all of the pictures :)
