One more interruption in the form of an article that spoke to me - especially after an evening of trying to convince Clara to eat her dinner. Which is a normal struggle in this household.
I love the perspective this woman is coming from!
And I have been slowly learning to embrace Clara's personality - which has really helped me enjoy her more!
I must interrupt this past weekend's recap with an update on my baby girl.
Today Emma is 13 weeks old AND 3 months old!
AAANNNDDD she giggled for the very first time today! I was kind of bouncing her up and down and making silly faces and off she went! I was so excited!!
I forgot to take a picture until she was asleep... so here you go :)
This weekend Lulu & I took the girls to Grace Ranch for a women's retreat weekend.
Unfortunately, due to a lack of sleep on the toddler front, it got off to a rocky beginning, but we ended up having a ton of fun! Many, many thanks to Breanna & Jan for inviting us!!
We arrived on Friday afternoon and the girls had fun drawing, playing with baby, and meeting a horse!
The two older girls playing together
They took turns trying to trace each other's hands - super cute.
Lulu helping Clara share with Molly
Clara getting Emma to smile at her :)
love love love love!
Marissa, due to the expressions and the fabulousness of the following photo, I'm going to give you my unprofessional opinion that you are ready to battle have two children :)
Mommy/Auntie M in high demand
It's so awesome to see how much our girls love the outdoors!
Clara & Ruthie checking out the cows
Our lovely hostesses + Meemaw & Emma
I just love this girl
Meemaw loving on Emma
Nona & Ruthie
Lulu and Clara meet the horse
fantastic family photo!! such pretty ladies!
Getting over my body image hang ups to post this picture of Clara & I,
because I loved that she trusted enough to pet the horse from my
Since Clara refused to nap in the car on the way there, though she was great in the car despite that (keeping up a steady monologue all about trees, EIEIO, toes and colors), she was VERY tired and so off to bed she went about an hour after her bedtime.
Sadly she slept VERY poorly and Lulu was the one with her :(
So sorry about that!
But we were going to have fun on Saturday regardless!
I will say that now that we've got 3 lessons under our belt, today was by far the best one Clara has had yet! No tears, only wanted to be held for short moments, even did some of the activities the way they're told to, which in this 2 year old class, is pretty good :)
Her favorite activities are still (by far) the balancing ones on the half-balls (I can never remember what those things are called) and the balance beam. She likes the streamer twirling and the bubbles and stretching songs too, though. She also, naturally, enjoys looking at herself in the mirror :)
She is still NOT a fan of learning the different ballet positions.
We are lucky enough to have one our friends and her daughter - Amber & Alexa - join the class with us! It makes it even more fun!
Lulu & I tag-teamed it because we have Emma there too and Clara usually can't make up her mind who she wants to participate.
Loves to look at herself in the mirror
Ring Around the Rosie! Clara actually participated and sang along today!
Pop Goes the Weasel not as much ....
Then LOTS of balance beam time!
During the Good-bye song Clara drug Lulu's purse all over the floor, ha!
Rockstar Lulu & Chillin' Emma Lou
Once class was over the ballerinas were very happy to discover a rocket ship made out of boxes. Clara did NOT want to leave the rocket ship!
playing with her ballerina amigas
"you uck! you uck!"
"my turn!"
silly girl child!
After the class Alexa & Clara "drove" around for a little while
And had a ball!
Lulu even pushed them all the way to Rico's where we had dinner!
I have an ADORABLE video, but for some reason youtube doesn't want to load it?
I'll try again tomorrow.
The girls had fun coloring together and hopping up and down off of their chairs.
until it wasn't fun anymore
both girls crying at the same time
And despite it being over 3 hours later, believe it or not, Emma STILL looks like this - only a lot louder!
Colic is not for the faint of heart, people.
Dance yourselves into some bubble gum pink dreams!
You've probably read about Clara's addiction to the movie she calls "Yellow" before. Lately we've had it in my car to keep her entertained during some of the longer car rides we've taken lately.
Bryan filmed her briefly the other day and the video cracks me up: