Sunday, July 26, 2015

33 years & ranch fun!

On Friday afternoon Bryan and I loaded up the girls and the pup and headed to the ranch. We were (naturally) running a smidgen later than we intended because the oil change Bryan needed ran late, but we still made it in time to drop Maverick off at the ranch, play for a little while, and head to town with Lulu and Papa for their special anniversary dinner!

When we first arrived Lulu and Papa had been riding around. Clara thought they were playing a game of hide and seek. Emma just heard us say "Lulu and Papa" and wanted them RIGHT. NOW. (She's a little obsessed with her grandparents). They pulled up just in the nick of time to save us from a toddler tantrum! perfect! AND we were able to hitch a ride to go see some cows, hooray!

Run, cow, run!
 Wide open spaces, animals he shouldn't chase, and ponds = canine heaven 
 Clara thought Papa was going to drive right into the lake, which wouldn't be a problem if she was wearing her "baby suit", but because she was in a pretty Aggie dress it was not ok! And much to Papa's dismay Clara brought it up all weekend long. Sheesh. Guilt trip professional!

She did think it was funny the last time we visited!

Let me just take a moment to point out that this is THE perfect outfit for Emmy. The shirt says "oh hi!" and then those darling little baby capris. It's got Emma written all over it and it's going to be a regular in the rotation now. Who knew Old Navy had such cute kid clothes!?

Little baby in a big barn
Then it was time for Bryan to shower and the rest of us to get changed to go to Cuero's new fancy restaurant! (It's called the Eagle maybe? or something similar).

changed and ready to go!
 I was a little nervous about taking my girls to a fancy restaurant after a day of travel and wacky naps, but my parents thought it would be okay so we gave it a go!

The ladies
And the gents + Emma Lou
 I was really starting to quake inside when there were not a children's menu and they handed us water goblets! Thank goodness they had some styrofoam cups with lids full of lemonade for the girls (phew!)

Since it's a nice restaurant and a leisurely dining experience is expected it took a long while to get out food, especially since salads and such came first. The girls got really squirrely so we checked out the cool eagle chairs and waterfall in the entry, and went outside for a while little while.
Admiring their reflections (which I'm sure looked funny to the people inside :)

super excited about touching the wet wall! bubbles!
 Dinner was DELICIOUS!! Mmmmm. And we were so pleased to be able to be there to celebrate with Mom and Dad and see Meemaw and Papaw! Happy 33 years together Mom & Dad! You truly are example of a happily ever after.

Some of my favorite moments from dinner were:
After we got back from outside Clara told everyone about the big lizard we saw. Papaw asked what color it was and she told him green. He then proceeded to try to convince her it was probably purple and named Pluto. He didn't manage to convince her at dinner, but the next morning when I asked Clara what color lizards were she told me purple, hahah!

Papa asked Clara if she would help him name some of the baby cows, and she agreed. He asked her what she would name one. Her answer? "Food."
I'm pretty sure she was just hungry, but that didn't make it any less hilarious!

Clara thought Meemaw's walker was pretty cool :)

Meemaw, I'm so impressed with how well you're getting along after your surgery!! 

4 beautiful people, inside and out
Add the kids!
Everybody together! :)
 When we got home Emma, Bryan and Papa went for a ride to go look for "reindeers" :) Clara was going to go but then she was too tired and cranky and worried about riding into the pond (3 year olds, man).

Bryan took this video while they were riding around:

When they returned Emma treated us to a pretty awesome look at her wind blown 'do!

Meanwhile Lulu, Clara and I had been coloring. Then it was time for pajamas.

And lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles! Night night! 

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