Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our week in progress (including Clara's 1st dentist visit!)

On Monday we started off our week with a bang when Clara had her first dentist appointment!

We had kind of a rough morning, but thankfully she and I worked out our differences over a discussion of who lives in the water in the car on the way there, and then they had a princess page to color while we waited (1 bonus point to Dr. Matthews!)

There were two other little ladies around Clara's age waiting too, so that made it fun. They giggled, read a book together, drove the ship in the background, and then did some more coloring together.

One by one they started to get called back and Clara didn't care - she was just happy to have the purple colors all to herself. 

Then it was Clara's turn! Ms. Erika won Clara over rather quickly by letting her pick out her own new tooth brush. (Please note Clara's outfit of a dress, tennis shoes and a swim suit cover zipped up.)

Then she gave us a tour, introduced Clara to some of the other people there, showed Clara all of her cool tools and then let Clara have her very own mirror tool to see what was going on. Plus she got to wear some "wonderful Daniel Tiger glasses" to protect her eyes from the "bright hot sun light" :)

She did great while Ms. Krystal counted her teeth and cleaned them a little bit. But at one point she got spooked and needed to sit on my lap for a little while while she kept working. She let her brush about half of her teeth before she decided she did NOT like the "tickle brush" and wanted no more "strawlaberries" in her "mouf" (the tooth paste tasted like strawberries)

The hygienist said that Clara did really well for a first time visitor, especially at a 3 years old, and that her teeth looked fantastic. (Yay, the brushing is paying off!) 

We had to hang around a little while until Dr. Matthews could come and take a look, so we took silly pictures to pass the time :)

"Clara a pirate, argggggggg"
"Gig 'em, Aggies! Argggggg"
 And then when Clara started getting restless and ticked off they asked me what would be helpful, and I asked if Clara could play with some 'Elsa' gloves. Clara was ecstatic! 

She let Dr. Matthews count her teeth and take a look, and then while he talked to me she let Ms. Krystal put the fluoride coating on her teeth. They let Clara pick out a balloon (she picked orange!?!?) and a toy from the Treasure Box. And then, right before we left, she asked if she could have a little tooth brush for Baby Emma's teeth :) It was so sweet, and they let her pick one out for Emma too. 

They told us to make an appointment for about 6 months from now, and to bring Emma along. We'll see how that goes! :) 

Then I dropped Clara off at school for just a little while, and then picked both girls up and we went to play at Lulu and Papa's house for just a little while, with puzzles and books!

On Tuesday Emma really wanted her hair brushed and clipped back just like big sister :) She was SO happy with her little clip, although it was cracking me (and Bryan) up. 
This photo is actually from Monday at school during nap time, but they didn't send it to me until Tuesday and blogger is being a bum about letting me move it up, so it's just going to stay here out of order.
sleepy snuggles
 When I picked up the girls we did a little puzzle building. Clara was quick to explain to Emma how everything worked.

When we got home Clara was a typical 3 year old mess, upset about EVERYTHING. Ay yi yi.

But Emma wasn't, so that helped :)
"Baby cheeeeeeeese" hehe
I put on the Jungle Book hoping the songs would cheer Clara up. Between that and some "spider mans" (aka fruit snacks), it did, thank goodness.

loves her babies
hehe :)
 Clara took this selfie of herself and Emma and I love it!

Two tantruming chicas
 Then Clara would tell Emma "go night night!" and Emma would fall on the floor:

Clara reading Emma a story
night night Emma
*Coming Soon*
(When YouTube cooperates)

And Clara put on her Elsa gloves :)

Have a great rest of your week!

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