Thursday, July 2, 2015

Happy to be home

We're home from vacation and not feeling quite as water logged anymore :)

Thank goodness for The Little Mermaid when it's raining outside!
Did you know Scuttles is a duck? According to Emma he is :)
Every single time we watch The Little Mermaid, Clara ends up telling King Triton to either be nice to Ariel or go to time out.

Just lounging around and playing on the kiddie ABC pad.
 A positive to rain? I don't have to keep filling up Emma's water bowl!

Why yes, that is a grin and a dripping face :)
 Despite her willingness to submerge her face in puddles, Emma opted to rock beside Mommy while Clara played in the rain with nothing but her underwear on.

Once Clara explained to me that she was all wet, we went inside and played doctor.

CB: "Hi Emma, I'm Dr. Clara Beth Stuffing. What's a matter with you?"
Emma sees the doctor kit and tries to escape. Playing doctor never goes well for her, poor thing.
Clara catches Emma and starts using the ear thingy to count Emma's toes.
CB: "Ahhhhh! Mommy! Emma only has four toes!! Is broken!? Did Maggot eat it?!"
Me: "Try counting one more time."
CB: "1... 2... 3... 4... 5!! Emma! You founded you toe!! Good doggie. No eat toes. *Pause* Wow. I'm a good doctor."

(Side note: Clara has never actually seen the Doc McStuffins shoe, but some of her classmates have so she's heard about. I'm not against the show - I've just never previewed it, so I don't know if something I want Clara watching or not.)

Today Emma went grocery shopping with me, and while I looked for a thank you card for the front desk manager from the hotel we stayed at in San Antonio, Emma found the Disney babies... and relocated all of them to our basket. Don't worry, they are back at home on the shelf :)

When we went to pick up Clara from school they were just finishing up at the splash pad.

Showing Emma how to walk around the building to get back inside
 Clara wanted to stay and play for a little bit longer, so Emma and I became honorary Early Preschool Three members :)

Waitress Clara
CB: "So whatcha wanna eat? Tacos? Banana? Sammich? Chicken? Juice?"
Me: "Um, I would like some chicken pot pie soup and some water, please."
CB: "K. I go get you a baked tato and some Sprite. Bye."
Me: hmmmm
CB: "Oh! I needs your moneys first."

Clara and some of her classmates driving the car to the party at the park
When we got home Emma drove the 4 wheeler around the playset while Daddy exchanged the middle hanging thingy that neither child is quite big enough to use just yet for a toddler swing.

Making sure I'm watching
And then she had fun giving it a test run!!! (I think she was just happy to be able to use the swing set for real)

Helping push
Video! I loved all of Emma's "whoa, weeee, whoa, weee"s :) Sorry I'm obnoxious on video.

Happy girl

Clara finally got a turn and was sad that the swing wasn't as comfortable as Emma made it look.
Maverick is finally learning to stay back after a couple of bumps
And that's pretty much all we've been up to!!

Prayer requests:
- Rapid healing for Meemaw who is out of surgery and doing well after her knee replacement!
- My friend just lost her mom to cancer, and her dad is losing his battle to cancer as well. Please pray for peace and pain-free passing. 
- That this July 4th is accident free for everyone! 

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