Sunday, July 26, 2015

Round 2 at the ranch!

Saturday at the ranch!

Bryan and I were SO grateful to Lulu for getting up with the girls on Saturday morning! We were up a ton with Clara the previous night and a lot that night with Emma so we were starting to feel the effects of not enough sleep.

A little bonding with Papa time
One of our goals for the day was to get the dining table out of the house, and the one my parent's were using at their house in, plus vacuuming everywhere. The girls thought having a wide open space to play on was fun.

She "cheeeeeese"d me until I got out my phone to take a picture of her :)
There was lots of wrestling and riding and patting going on too. Luckily Papa and Daddy took one for the team and I just manned the camera :)

A new favorite photo! so sweet!

night night Papa
Emma laying down with Daddy after putting him to sleep
It doesn't look comfortable but she was so happy!

mimicking what Clara was doing to Papa
happy girl
These two wrestled after that ball, played toss and roll, built blocks (and knocked them down) and just had a good time with each other. I love watching them learn how to play together! It sometimes ends in tears, but I guarantee there is just as much giggling as there is crying!
I really wish I had gotten a video of Emma playing "toss" with Lulu, Papa and I :) It was so stinking cute. Next time!

They were big fans of all the cushions being off so the couch could be vacuumed. 

Then it was time for naps. Emma took hers but Clara absolutely refused, despite Papa offering to let her nap with him on the couch, and Lulu and I both being stern. 

Here she is "reading" to Papa about Noah and the Ark:

Sadly that meant when Emma woke up she was allowed to go outside and play and Clara wasn't. This was DEVASTATING  to Clara, even though she knew that the rule was to lay down at least 10 minutes with eyes closed to be allowed to play. It just about broke her heart, but sometimes that's what it takes to learn a life lesson.

The swings were a big hit! Thanks for hanging them up!!

Poor Emma still doesn't like grass but she desperately wants to explore. 

Then Clara decided that ultimately it was better to lay down with Daddy for 10 minutes so she could go play, so while she did that Lulu, Papa and I took Emma for a ride.

Fish face at the pond
Or maybe I should say she took us for a ride?

When we got back we did some coloring and made dinner, just in time for Clara to wake up from her short nap (so tired!)

So she went with Lulu, Clara & I to pick up Papa from his dozing operation.

Clara even got to ride!!!

Emma clapped and pointed, but got a little concerned occasionally

Clara liked the dozer and liked riding with Papa, but the noise frightened her a little bit. 
She told us that it was ok that Papa smashed the trees down flat because the tractor was a pretty yellow. Interesting logic, I think.

Maverick spent his time running around a like a crazy dude, jumping over trees down, running through the grass, zig zagging everywhere, wearing himself out.
happy dog
Riding back to the house
I know he can be a big pain in the tush, but I really do love this dog.

When we got back Clara got to swing too much to her delight :)

Helping push Emma

Such a lovely day with family.

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