Monday, July 20, 2015

Sunday Shenanigans

Our Sunday mornings usually get off to a rather tame start ... frequently involving books, fig nutons, and depending on the level of humidity, a walk.
(note: it was 87% humidity and 93 degrees yesterday morning - we did not go for a walk; yuck!)

Love those tiny Emma feet tucked against Daddy
 The girls had fun at the nursery at church, but Clara was distraught when she got her dress soaking wet from the water fountain.

And made a big deal about it on the way out, waddling and everything, haha
Seriously, this little one has a flare for the dramatic
And then Emma wanted to sit on the bench so of course I asked Clara to as well because it was a perfect sibling photo op!  

 When I asked what the girls wanted for lunch Emma said "Mo'!? mo'?!" and Clara said "yogurt and chocolate milk" so Denny's it was!

Concentration and a pretty good crayon grip for a little one!
 I don't know why but seeing those little tiny shoes and tights under the stall at Denny's cracked me up. She thinks she's so grown up and independent! 
 Sweet Emma snuggling her baby on the way to take a nap

We've been trying to fix some of the sleep problems that have been affecting our household. One of the ways is with a sticker chart. We took Clara to Toys R Us and let her pick out a reward (the first time she's ever picked out her own toy! she thought it was amazing!) for sleeping in her OWN bed WITHOUT screaming at the top of her lungs for 10 nights. She had a difficult time choosing between a T-Rex, a Doctor's dress up outfit, and the Disney dress/shoes. I'm kind of glad she ended up picking the Frozen dress and Ariel dress up shoes because then I could divide the reward in half (the dress on the 5th star and the shoes on the 10th) because I think it may help her stay more motivated? I hope? Also notice that the stars that don't have a big reward on them do have 1 M&M which is surprisingly motivating for Clara :)

Anyway, the first night she did great and earned a special princess sticker to put on a star, and then we decided to let her try to earn a star from nap time too, by going up peacefully and NOT crying, and staying in her bed - and sure enough she earned one!! So now she's got 2 stars filled out. (Unfortunately she did not earn one Sunday night because she was a hot mess at bedtime and came down to sleep on the cot in our room around 2:15... shoot.)

After nap time we went to go see Meatball (MeMaw & Paw)! (And Ronnie, Alexandra & Maddie)
Clara was stoked to go, but it took Emma a little while to warm up. She did eventually though!

Playtime (Emma is in Ronnie's lap)
 Clara was cracking me up by climbing up into this chair and telling me, "ok, Mommy, we gotta talk." I'd say "ok, talk about what?" and she'd pause... "Hmmm" and eventually say something like "let's talk about zebras. whatcha know about 'em?" goofy girl!!!
And she was pulling out magazines to flip through and tell us about.
"OK, let's talk"
 Bryan and the rest of the kid crew went outside to play on the trampoline and swing for a little while, but it was hot and didn't last very long. 

And then MeMaw pulled out a stash of crayons and stickers which were a big hit with the littlest folk!
a duck sticker!
 And then Clara and Emma took turns putting people to night night. 

Clara putting both Mommy & Emma to night night

What was especially hilarious was the way Clara would say, "ok Emma! your turn! go night night!" and Emma would just drop to the floor wherever she was!
 Of course she didn't last very long... 
"hold still Emma! go night night!"
Emma took several turns as well 
Emma putting Mommy & Clara to night night
 Anytime I tried to sit up Emma would push me back down or try to roll me over. I think it's so funny that they mimic what they do at school to help them sleep.

Then Emma took a horsey ride
 Ronnie was put to sleep too, but I don't have a photo.

Clara told Daddy to go to sleep, put a blanket on him, and deserted him.

Giving good bye hugs and kisses all around:

And one last sticker for the road :)
 We had a lot of fun!

Clara was given some stickers to go from MeMaw and we figured out that she used them ALL in the car:

quite pleased with herself :)
 And then we fed the girls and put Emma to bed. When we came back downstairs we found Clara tucked into the chair saying prayers with her baby doll...

CB: "Ok baby, tell Jesus thank you. And your welcome. Ask him for sun. And rain. Thank you God for cupcakes and trees and trains."
Have a great week everyone!

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