Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day!

Happy Birthday, America!!

We attempted to explain to Clara that today was America's birthday, which was a little too abstract because I think she thought America was just a person she doesn't remember, so then we explained that we were celebrating the American flag. I'm still not certain she got it or cared, she really just wanted to go swimming.

"It's Amberica's BIRTHDAY PARTY, Daddy. Hurry up!"
A whole lot of attitude for such a tiny person.

Lulu arrived to go with us!!

These girls love her
We were originally going to go to Rob Flemming Aquatic Center since it's just right down the road from us, and free today but normally kind of expensive. We actually went there last July 4th with some friends (you can read about it here.) Last year we got there right when opened so it wasn't crowded at all, but several friends told me about how it was PACKED when they went later in the day, and since we were going to wait until Emma woke up from her nap I started having some second thoughts. So, instead, we ended up going to a Woodland's Township pool called Cranebrook (also free for today). It was PERFECT for Clara, and Emma could do a few things too.

Bryan taking Emma to check things out
 Clara LOVED this big blue slide. I'm also a big fan - it's a great concept. The landing area is only 2-2.5' deep, so good for a soft landing, but not too deep that little ones can't do the slide too, especially since we were told Clara couldn't wear her floaties on it.

Pretty soon we weren't even helping Clara. She knew what to do. Of course, once she got up the stairs to go again it turns out that waiting in a weird line doesn't really work for Clara. She mostly just wormed her way forward until she could go :) We tried getting her to follow a little more structure, but with the life guard at the top paying zero attention to the kids and the lines, there was really no good way for us to enforce it, so we just let it go and she had a blast :)

Pretty soon it was safety break time (much to Clara's dismay), so we sat down and had a small snack and a drink.

One guess who desperately wants to be back in the water?

biiiiiiig yawn
Our friends Amber, Alexa & Parker joined us for some swim time. Lulu helped Amber out for a little bit by loving on Mr. P :) 
so sweet
Still hanging
Sweet Alexa
Yay! We can get back in!

Alexa was not sure about the sliding, but Emma and Clara wanted to do A LOT of it.

such a sweet family - can't wait to meet Baby #3!
 Since it was a birthday party, Clara wanted to know where the cupcakes were. Thank goodness for Lulu pulling through with a lollipop. Clara accepted that as a perfect alternative.

Emma enjoyed the diving rings Lulu brought - and even made one into a hat :)

Starting a fashion trend :)
After all that fun and swimming (about 2 hours worth), the kids were pooped and needed naps, so we headed home.

The girls (and Bryan) went down for naps. The plan for after naps was to go to the Red, Hot & Blue Festival The Woodlands was putting on, but whatever tummy situation that has affected Emma appears to be starting to make the rounds of the family, so that particular plan was put aside in favor of staying at home.

Emma was up from her nap first, so she and I did some bonding over some rice cakes.

Always swinging! mo? mo? mo? mo? mo?
 Since I didn't take a nap like the girls, they decided to put me to night night. Clara was patting my back and Emma was alternately climbing on me and patting my butt. An interesting experience.
night night mommy 

The girls were getting restless, but Bryan and I were still not feeling up to par, so we opted to put on a movie. Rather than watching Frozen, Cinderella or Nemo for the 8,456,325th time, I decided to download a childhood favorite of mine, but new to the girls: The Swan Princess!

Emma LOVED the music!! 
as good a place as any to watch, I suppose
Then Clara lost interest and started using this basket to serve us some food. Emma was supposed to take orders, but according to Clara was having a hard time with it.

And that's really it...
Happy birthday, America! We are so thankful to live here.

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