Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bye, ranch!

This weekend there was a LOT of block building (and destroying *ahem Emma*)
They had so much fun - thank you for having them out there, Lulu!

Emma had a serious diaper situation this morning so she was forced to take a bath while we cleaned up her clothes and PNP. She was not terribly pleased with Papa or the mandatory bath in the sink. (I think she's become accustomed to taking baths with Clara and this just didn't seem right.)

Sorry kiddo. You were dirty, dirty!
 These little birds are inside the patio roof. It's always neat to see baby birdies!

Before we left Bryan was adjusting Emma's car seat (it's new, so it's taking a little tweaking), and while he adjusted it Emma sat up front to drive.

Unfortunately he went to open the door when she stood up to peer through the window at him, and she nearly tumbled straight onto the pavement! Bryan heard me scream and put his hands out and luckily caught Emma before she fell too far. Cue mini-heart attack. She totally wasn't phased but it took me a while to calm down. I was happy to have her safe and sound in the car seat, even if she wasn't too pleased to be there.

Then the gate wouldn't open all the way, and then it got stuck half way and we did everything we could think of to close it, but it just wouldn't work. So we drove around the ranch to see if we could find Lance, because we didn't have any signal to ask my parents what to do or for Lance's number. We found him and he told us what to do. 

So then we were on the road for a few minutes when the gas light chimed. Uh oh. We had planned to go to Meemaw and Papaw's house straight from the Happy M but there aren't any gas stations on the way, so we had to head to Victoria first. We pulled in to the gas station just in time, thank goodness.

By then we were running so late that the girls were hungry and angry because it was nearly nap time. We stopped to pick them up some food, calmed the tantrums and let Meemaw and Papaw know that the girls were being crazy people and that maybe our haywire morning just needed to come to a close. I hate that we missed seeing them, but given the way the girls acted in the car it was probably a good call to head home.

They were VERY happy to get home. 
I'd like to give Clara some kudos for not needing to stop to use the restroom once on either trip! She also didn't have any accidents in the car. She really is good at using the potty most of the time!

Once we got home I told the girls they could read 2 books and then it was nap time. 

After nap time we just played for a little while, and the girls took a bath (this one Emma took much better.)

Maverick also received a bath because he smelled disgusting from all of his ranch shenanigans.

It was such a lovely weekend, and we really appreciate Lulu and Papa allowing us to join them and have some fun!!

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