Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Such a simple title for such a CRAZY day.

I am almost completely out of energy and it's getting late (and I don't have my lesson plans for tomorrow finished yet!) so this will be short and sweet.

Today was a bit rough, as was expected. It definitely could have gone much worse, and I'm so grateful that it didn't. I said continuous prayers throughout the day for wisdom, patience and understanding, and I really think God was there for me today because it was a completely new experience for me! I would like to point out that I didn't lose any kids and they ALL got home the way they were supposed to! (Victory!)

So far I have 13 five-year-olds (which I believe is PLENTY), however, I think I may be getting a few more tomorrow, or some over the rest of this week. It was really interesting to get a feel for the dynamic my class will have this year. I have a couple of students who stand out for various reasons already:
One who literally wailed all day long. Not just cried, but screamed for about 5 hours.
One who is kind of a class bully. She's a 5 year old that's almost as tall as I am and almost as big, too. She also isn't sure how she feels about authority.
One who is the most hug-crazy boy I've ever met - and extremely vocal.
And one who is the sweetest, most polite, and advanced Kindergartener I think I've ever met!
There are many more and I look forward to seeing their little personalities shine through over the next few weeks.

I did decide one thing was MAJORLY necessary for tomorrow: A seating arrangement!!!

Trust me, tomorrow will go better because of it. Some kids should NOT be placed together!

Then I came home and Bryan had bought me flowers!!! This is the first time he's ever done that, because of my allergies. But he took the time to go to a florist, explain the problem and she helped him put something together that hopefully my skin or nose won't react to.
How sweet is my husband!?

He also left a very kind and loving note, which I loved just as much as the flowers. I love surprises and this made my day about a billion times better.

That's it for now!
Pray for me tomorrow!

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