Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Movin' on up!

Well ladies and gents, I'm now a Kindergarten teacher!

I was asked to move into this (thankfully full-time) position yesterday afternoon because another teacher resigned. They hired someone else to take the half-time Pre-K position I previously had.

I. am. stoked. :)

This change has lots of positive implications. I'm now considered full time, which means full time pay (yay!), and this will count as my certification internship (again, yay!) so that I will be fully certified this May. I get my own classroom which is actually quite large because I'm in the corner classroom (very cool). Plus I get to work with 4 other teachers (one of which is also new to Kindergarten, although she's taught Pre-K before). All in all, this is GREAT news.

I saw my new classroom for the first time today, and the former teacher(s) left stuff all over, so I'll have to sort through all of their stuff, figure out what I want to keep and what I want to get out of my room so I organize it in such a way that I won't lose my mind over it. I don't handle stuffed cabinets very well!! How am I ever supposed to know what I have like that? So that's what I'll be staying after in-service all week doing! Today was devoted to trying to find a furniture arrangement that works with the required spaces and enables myself and my students to move around the room easily and safely. I think I'm almost there!

Since I am now full time, my internship officially starts!! (And so do the payments - shoot!) Once a candidate finds a job or goes full time, my program assigns a former teacher/administrator that has usually retired to be their supervisor. My supervisor called me this afternoon and plans to swing by tomorrow to visit with me about his expectations, and to see how I'm doing so far. I look forward to working with him - and my assigned campus mentor! Isn't a support group a wonderful thing? I hope I develop a positive relationship with all of them, since they may be my rock in the storm this first year.

In other news: Bryan has been working remotely this week and reports that it's going "pretty well." It's a little different, but I think he enjoys not being around all the phones and commotion of the office. It's so nice to have him home!

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