Friday, August 6, 2010

Last week of vacation!

Since Bryan has been living in College Station & I have been living in Houston, I spent my last remaining free weekdays in CS with him (well, Wednesday night & all day/night Thursday).

Wednesday we went out to eat and just hung out, which was really nice. Thursday was a different story... I had to take my PPR final exam that morning (It's FINISHED!! Whoop!) and then I literally had NOTHING to do all of the rest the day. I had planned to use some of the downtime to do some things online I'd been procrastinating on (or just didn't have time for), but the internet was down the ENTIRE day and Bryan didn't get off work until 6:30. I also didn't have any books with me or anything. By the time he came home I was pretty grouchy and bored. We made dinner & then Bryan decided we could go see a movie to make up for the yucky day. We went and saw Ramona and Beezus as our last trip to the movies for $4 a person. It was really cute! I loved Ramona when I was a little girl, so I was pretty excited to see the film. It was probably nothing award-winning, but I think we both enjoyed it!

Today Bryan went back to work again and I drove to Brenham for another Classroom Management workshop. It was pretty much the same thing as a few weeks ago, so I'm not entirely sure why they did this one unless they felt like we needed 3 days of same material to get it fully into our brains. In any case, I'm glad I feel somewhat confident about my classroom management, and hopefully won't have any problems in 2 weeks!

My principal called me and told me we have a staff development/team building day tomorrow that I didn't know about, so I'm off to do that tomorrow while Bryan relaxes and plays some xbox :) I wish we could spend the day together, but it'll be good to get to know my principal better and meet some of my coworkers.

Sorry our lives aren't terribly exciting this week!! Maybe it's a good thing? :)

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